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2 Dokumente und 30 Forumsbeiträge

2 Dokumente zum Thema Supply:

This paper deals with the two controversial views, the optimistic and pessimistic side, pertaining to the future of oil. It reveals advatages as well as weak statements of both. Furthermore it applies economic theory, also inform of graphs, to refute or support given standpoints. Additionally, the paper is written according to the rules of Academic writing. (678 Wörter)
This paper deals in detail with SHELLs environment in the oil market and in specific with the question how this company implements its adjusted strategic approaches in order to beneficially use emerging opportunities. This issue is scrutinized from a micro- as well as macroeconomic view, which is always elucidated in correlation with Shell. Initially, emphasis is put on the technological side of the problem, including environmental considerations. Thereafter, a socio-cultural investigation discusses changing demographic factors and their impact on Shell’s strategic decision-making. Wrapping up the foregoing approaches, an economic analysis of the energy market displays the environment, in which Shell has to compete and implement appropriate concepts. Finally, the preceding analyses from different viewpoints lead to a conclusive evaluation of Shell’s market behavior and strategic goals. Furthermore,references and exact citations according to the APP rules are included. Gliederung: Chapter 1: New Technologies: Adaptations to Secure Future Energy Demand Chapter 2: Socio-Cultural Aspects: The “Green Strategy” for The Royal Dutch Shell Group Chapter 3: Economic Analysis: The Energy Market and Shell (Wirtschaft und Recht, ) (7135 Wörter)

30 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Supply:

ich bräuchte dringend hilfe in englisch. undzwar muss ich eine berichtigung einer aufgabe aus meiner klausur schreiben. nicht nur die fehler berichtigen, denn die hat er ja angestrichen, sondern einen neuen text verfassen... die aufgabe war: outline some of the aspects that definde the american dream in my opinion an exact definition of the a..
Ich soll eine Mindmap zu diesem Thema erstellen. Dabei muss ich aber mich auf den Aspekt "Interconnecting offerings" oder allg. "Interconnection" konzentrieren. Kann mir jdm. helfen? Wie soll ich am Besten die Mindmap in Unterthemen aufteilen? Und Wörter wie "breaking down of trade barriers", "Competition", "supply and demand", "access to world ma..
So haben es nun geschafft ;) Wäre lieb, wenn ein paar von euch über den text schauen würden und mir sagen könnten was falsch ist bzw. wie ihr ihn findet. Und bitte nicht so streng sein :) ____________________________________________________________ _________ The text deals with the topic of renewable energy. Renewable energy is spread e..
Hey Leute :-) Ich muss eine hausarbeit schreiben auf englisch. hab jetzt ein themengebiet übersetzt, was aber nicht ob das so okey zwar viel text aber ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könntet. dankee euch :-* Short-term situation of the immigration in Germany More inhabitants of Germany have walked in count..
The Chewing-gum The ancient Greeks were the first who chewed a gum. However, that was not a real chewing gum, because it was not commercially produced. They chewed mastiche - a gum from the resin of the mastic tree. 1880 the first chewing gum was made and that tasted like peppermint. 1891 William Wrigley Junior has founded his own chewin..
mediation à from: agora-energiewende 2014 Our previous energy systems are based on oil, nuclear reactions and other methods that do harm to our blue planet. The currently proceeding energy transition represents the change to renewable sources of energy like for example wind and water power, solar energy, biomass or geothermal heat. There are pl..
Ich habe einen Aufsatz geschrieben und ich glaube, es sind ein paar Grammatik-Fehler drin. Wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr den Text korrigieren könntet. Renewable energy produces up to now only a small part of the global electricity. As renewable all energy sources can be called which regenerate on the new one. They are sustainable available and are ne..
Nike coming clean about sweatshops BNE:Nike is finalls coming clean over its infamous and dubious labor practices after years of allegation that is exploits workers,many of whom have been alleged to be children.The company ha made available on its website an unrecedented and detailed 108-page report of the 705 worldwide factories that produce its ..
Hallo wink ^^ Sry für meine dreiste Frage ( komme mir voll schäbig vor -.-), aber könntet ihr denn Text in Teilabschnitte unterteilen (zusammenfassen)und jeder wichtigen Passage eine Überschrift geben ? Ich habe über diesen Text Klausur geschrieben ... und eine 4 bekommen =( Ich kann es wirklich nicht ...deswegen brauche ich ganz dringend Hilfe !..
Welche Vorteile bringen Merwertdienstleistungen mit ? a) für das Transportdienstleistungsunternehmen b) für das Unternehmen, die diese Diensleistungen in anspruch nehmen
Producing Toys – Child’s Play You are the product manager of a confectionery company that includes small plastic toys with its chocolate sweets, Having met a potential Thai manufacturer of these toys at a trade fair in Europe, you now visit the company in the North Eastern part of Thailand to finalize a two-year supply contract. Arri..
Hallo, kann mir jemand bitte diesen Text übersetzen, wäre GROßARTIG By now eBay has more than 90 million registered users across the world, including more than 2 million in the UK and the company arranged sales of more than $2bn last calendar year. In the US analysts expect an annual growth of about 30 %. So whats the secret? Certainly eBay h..
Hey :) Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn jemand mein Englisch Referat über "Histoire of Black in the USA" korrigieren würde. LG Nina Introduction For every person the same rights and chances!? In the USA this was not yet always thus and one can also not even today really that is applies for everybody. The development of the opportunities of Af..
Hey... Hab grad folgendes auf der Website der Universial Zulu Nation zum Thema Etymologie gelesen: GOLF In Scotland, a new game was invented. It was entitled "Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden". And thus the word "GOLF" entered into the English language. FUCK In ancient England a person could not have sex unless you had consent of the ..
To:.... From:.... Subject:.... Introduction  As requested I have prepared a report on the ecological footprint of teenagers, which represents the amount of biocapacity necessary to supply a human population with everybody following agiven lifestyle. It is based on research that was done by myself and therefore,in order to prepare this r..
serwus habe eine led lampe für aquarien, in der beschreibung steht: switching power supply: 12V- max. 900mA. so was sind das watt? bitte danke randalli
In diesem Text sind grammatische fehler Könnt ihr mir bitte diesen in einem ordentlichen und verschtändlichen englischtext bringen By extreme air pollution 3,000 people die in capital of Afghanistan per year. Terrorist attacks and rocket attacks of the Taliban make this live of the inhabitants on Kabul very hard. However, apparently th..
hi, everybody ;) Mhm, ich schreib morgen ne englisch Klausur.. Ich weiß aber welcher Cartoon dran kommt, weil die Para-klasse die geleiche arbeit geschrieben hat.. Nur steht da jetzt iwie ne überschrift, aus der ich mir beim besten willen keinen gescheiten deutschen Satz "reimen" kann XD.. vielleicht wisst ihr ja was passendes?! ;) "nurses in..
The article `A Brighter Day for the Dismal Science` published in 5/7/05 is written by Jessica E. Vascellaro explains the reasons and results of the increasingly number of students majoring in economics, especially in the USA. The text describes facts, the turning cool and globalisazion of the economic education. In 2003-2004 there is an increas..
Ich möchte euch bitten mal den Text durchzulesen und mich auf Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschläge hinzuweisen. Danke im vorraus:) Opera House Hello. Today I want to tell you something about the Sydney Opera House. My Presentation has got 4 topics. First of all I’d like to give you some information’s about this special buildin..
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