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korrektur summary

Frage: korrektur summary
(2 Antworten)

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The article `A Brighter Day for the Dismal Science` published in 5/7/05 is written by Jessica E. Vascellaro explains the reasons and results of the increasingly number of students majoring in economics, especially in the USA.

The text describes facts, the turning cool and globalisazion of the economic education.
In 2003-2004 there is an increase of 40% of the degrees to economic majors in U.S colleges and universities. The number of majoring in economics increase particularly in the U.S.`s top colleges. Economics is the most popular major now for example at Harvad University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where 964 students are majored in ecnomics. In New York University the number of ecnomics majoring doubled to 800 in the past 10 years. Economics and business majors are ranked among the five most desirable majors. There are many, different companies who often hire economics majors.
More and more students from Eastern Europe get their degrees in economics for example in Poland from 16% to 36% from 1996 to 2002. In Russia there is an increase of 13% within about more than 1500 students who are enrolled at the higher school of economics in Moscow.
The reasons for this phenomenon are the higher supply and demand for this subject. It provides many opportunities to get a good job with good pay and security, by choosing a wide variety of issues. The average salary of economist is $43,000 a year. Economics become a basic part of students life because economic globalization affect their life a lot. They are more employable that`s why they study economics.

bitte korrigieren.
lange her ein summary zu schreiben, aber gibt es ein besoneres ende beim summary? danke für eure hilfe.
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.10.2011 - 14:52

Antwort von GAST | 30.10.2011 - 09:26
The article `A Brighter Day for the Dismal Science` published in 5/7/05 [---] ,written by Jessica E. Vascellaro,
explains the reasons and results of the increasingly number of students majoring in economics, especially in the USA.

The text describes facts, the turning cool(?(1)) and globalisazion of [---] economic education.
In 2003-2004 there has been an increase of 40% of [---]degrees to economic majors in U.S colleges and universities. The number of students majoring in economics has increased particularly in the U.S.`s top colleges. Economics is the most popular major now for example at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts(2), where 964 students have been majored in ecnomics. In New York University the number of ecnomics majoring has doubled to 800 in the past 10 years. Economics and business majors are ranked among the five most desirable majors. There are many, different companies who often hire economics majors.
More and more students from Eastern Europe get their degrees in economics, in Poland, for example, there has been an increase from 16% to 36% between 1996 to 2002. In Russia there is an increase of 13% within about more than 1500 students who are enrolled at the higher school of economics in Moscow.(3)
The reasons for this phenomenon are the higher supply and demand for this subject. It provides many opportunities to get a good job with good pay and security,
by choosing a wide variety of issues.(4)The average salary of an economist amounts to $43,000 a year. Economics has become a basic part of students life because economic globalization affects their lives a lot. They are more employable that`s why they study economics.

(1)was meinst du mit "turning cool"?
(2)"Mass.." ist ein Staat, die Uni ist MIT oder Amherst University; und wieso muss Cambridge ohne "University" auskommen?
(3)völlig unverständlicher Satz - was soll "..within about more than" denn heißen?
(4)für "!by choosing..." gibt es davor stehenden Satz kein Bezugswort.

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.10.2011 - 14:13

1. turning cool - war eine teilsüberschrift im text. beschreibt die veränderung, das wirtschaftswissenschaften einer der beliebtesten studiengänge geworden ist.

2. ich hab die aufzählung vom text übernommen -

3. es tut mir leid da wollt ich ausdrücken "mitten drin" aber hört sich iwie scheiße an vllt statt within "where" `?

4. neuer satz: It provides many opportunities in choosing a wide variety of issues, to get a good job with good pay and security.

bisher - danke schön für deine hilfsbereitschaft.

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