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kann mir jemand helfen?

Frage: kann mir jemand helfen?
(5 Antworten)

ich habe ne aufgabenstellung bekommen und sie auch beantwortet, würde aber gerne das einer von den experten hier mal rüber schaut nach fehlern in der grammatik... wäre nett... :D

What annoys you about modern life? Are there any aspects of life in the past which you think you would have enoyed?

Thinking of the good old days, I imagine a world without mass media. In our freetime we could not go on the internet or watch TV. In our holidays we could not travel around the world and be free. We could not eat really fast, because there was no fast food restaurant around the corner. We have to work the whole day, because we and our families want to eat something. A life like this is hard to imagine for us. We have all this things and more. We hear the (newest news)? only a few seconds after it happens.
After reading the newspaper in the morning we sitting in the car and hear what the radio speaker has to say. In school we look in lots of books and after school we go in the cinema, read more books, go on the internet or watch TV. I think it´s good to have so many different media, but I do not like the contents of many, e.g. some television broadcasts. During we look this we phone with friends or write mails over icq. In past friends met eachother. We (hätten nicht gewusst was freunde machen zu jederzeit) would not have known what a friend does every time. I´m happy that I live now and not then.
The next fact is that the farmers had no time to make other things. So they didn´t miss anything, but the people who were rich did. They had the money to buy all what they want, but they had not much in the shops. Perhaps they had other toys made by natural materials.
Religion was also an important theme in the past, but now it´s uninteresting for most of the people in the industrial nations. Religions do not influence our life. I´m not religious, so I like to live now.
I am envious on the peace, which the people had at that time. You lay (lagst) in the bed and hear nothing except for some animals. In this moments I wish I could live in the good old days. Now there are noises or other peoples around every corner. So you are never really alone.
All in all I am very gladly to live today. We are substantially more mobile and have more possibilities to arrange our spare time. We have no more a government or the religions adapt, but can even decide what we want. Therefore I love the modern life.

danke schon mal...
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 22.02.2009 - 19:31

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2009 - 19:34
warum stellst du dei frage anonym?

du brauchst keine angst zu haben.
es wird schon jemand geben der dir den text kontrolliert. ( ic würde es gere machen, aber bin in englisch schlecht)

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Antwort von melle99 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.02.2009 - 19:38
- After reading the newspaper in the morning, we sit and listen to the radio
- At school we read lots of books and after school we go to the cinema...
- While we do those things, we phone (?) ... sag lieber statt "phone" einfach "call"

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2009 - 19:42
- we have all these things and more
- we hear the latest news
- i`m very glad

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Antwort von FlyingDead (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.02.2009 - 19:43
In our freetime we had no internet and could not watch tv.

We had to work the whole day...... das ist doch auf die vergangenheit bezogen oder?

We hear the most actual news about things, which just happened a few seconds before.

After reading the newspaper in the morning we sit in the car and listen to the radio speaker.

I think it is (kurzformen vermeiden^^) good....

While watching tv we can communicate via phone or write messages via icq.

In former times we would not have known what our friends are doing all the time.

The next fact is that the farmers had no off-time. (den rest des abschnitts versteh ich vom sinn nicht so ganz....tut das wirklich was zur sache?^^) schließlich wussten die früher nicht, dass ihnen das von heute alles entgeht.

You lay in the bed and heard nothing except of some animals. Now there is noise everywhere or other people around each corner. So you have no real privacy.

To sum up I am very glad to live today.
warum haben wir kein government? regierung is doch da oder irre ich mich?!

naja, so weit erst mal^^

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Antwort von melle99 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.02.2009 - 19:43
- Religion was also an important aspect in the past, but nowadays it´s unisteresting for most of the people.
- You lie in the bed...
- Now there are noises or other people..( ohne s am ende )
- .... I´m very glad to live in modern time

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