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Zeitungsbericht über das Turnfest 2002

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German Sports Meeting In Leipzig Had Great Success

One week Leipzig played the biggest role in German sport history. There was the 31. German sport meeting from 18. – 25. may. About 100.000 people came, played, watched and helped.
The president of the German sport federation praised: “ We have seen a great and good organized sport meeting.” And also Federal Chancellor Schröder was in Leipzig to open the big event.
Unfortunately the new stadium was not finished but everything was done to forget this little mistake. So the sport gala took place in the still cold and wet Arena. The athletes did not mind and gave their best. Everywhere they showed their performance in a lot of events from a like aerobic to y like yoga.
Not only sport was showed in this week also concerts and exhibitions took successfully place and it also was sufficient care for food . The people from outside slept in the schools and sport halls in and around Leipzig.
At the end of the week of fun and sweat the athletics left 40 million euro in the now empty and dirty town. Because of the good weather pubs and outdoor seats were full of people from Hamburg , Berlin, Frankfurt and other where.
Leipzig has shown itself from its best side and marked that this city is ready for the Olympic games in 2012.
Leipzig thanks all the helpers and everyone who did his or her part for the successfully event.

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