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Frage: Korrektur?
(7 Antworten)

Hallo wir sollen in Englisch einen Aufsatz schreiben.Bin aber nicht grad gut in Grammatik und in der Satzstellung deswegen wäre es schön wenn jemand mal drüber gucken könnte.Würde mir wirklich sehr helfen.

The media play an important role in education. Discuss.

There are many different kinds of media, the print media for example books, letters, newspaper and in newer time than photograph, telephone, film, radio, television and internet, but also video games. Media use sign, especially symbols as well as writing and language or music. If are the task of the media is the communication function, development function, information settlement, factor culture and carrier support.

For example the internet it’s a important media for me because the internet can help me with my homework and at school because there are a lot of interesting information and news but you must look out because there are a lot of wrong information so you must have a little bit of basic knowledge about this theme. A next important media is the television.
All over the world, I think in every household there is a television. If you ask me there are many violent TV programmes. I believe they have been blamed for causing rising crime rates in many cities. There are many arguments that can be used to support this. If you go channel hopping on TV in no matter what time; you can find action movies that are very brutal. In my point of view even children’s programmes for the youngest are very violent. Just take the very popular children series “Tom and Jerry“. There is not a single minute where they aren’t beating each other up. The Print media earlier very often would be used are read lasts however no longer so popularly there today for example that too long and is sat down too time-consuming more quickly and more comfortably it yet before the television to and look find would damage write is for example news I think that very then just letters yet much personally as over the internet to chat or goes to write enamels however it just more quickly.

Finally I think the Medias play an very important role in education. At the same time parents must pay attention than the children are only looking animated films, which are not brutal and they must watch out if the children in the internet that they are not look on pornographic web pages or violent web pages. I believe not only the media are separate and further important point to the education also the social background of the children
GAST stellte diese Frage am 18.03.2007 - 12:52

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 13:04
The media plays an important role in education. Discuss.

There are many different kinds of media,
the print media for example books, letters, newspaper and in newer time than photographs, telephone, film, radio, television and internet, but also video games. Media use sign, especially symbols as well as writing and language or music. If are the task of the media is the communication function, development function, information settlement, factor culture and carrier support. (der abschnitt ist mir ein rätsel ;-))

For example the internet is an important media for me because the internet can help me with my homework and at school because there are a lot of interesting information and news but you must look out because there are a lot of wrong information so you must have a little bit of basic knowledge about this theme. The next important media is the television.
All over the world, I think in every house there is a television. If you ask me there are many violent TV programmes. I believe they have been blamed for causing rising crime rates in many cities. There are many arguments that can be used to support this. If you go channel hopping on TV at any time; you can find action movies that are very brutal. In my point of view even children’s programmes for the youngest are very violent. Just take the very popular children`s show “Tom and Jerry“. There is not one single minute where they aren’t beating each other up. The Print media earlier very often would be used are read lasts however no longer so popularly there today for example that too long and is sat down too time-consuming more quickly and more comfortably it yet before the television to and look find would damage write is for example news I think that very then just letters yet much personally as over the internet to chat or goes to write enamels however it just more quickly.(der satz ist mir sicherheit falsch aber ich versteh auch nicht den sinn)

Finally I think the Medias play a very important role in education. At the same time parents must pay attention that their children only watch animated films, which are not brutal and they must watch out that their children aren`t looking at pornographic or brutal web pages. I think not only the media is a separate and further important point of the education than the social background of the children

habe ein paar sachen verbessert aber manchmal habe ich auch nicht durchgeblickt ;-)

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 13:07
achja und anstatt look out solltest du besser watch out schreiben

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 13:08
und : you can find action movies *which* are very brutal ;)

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 17:22
Oh vielen Dank das ging aber schnell.Danke du hast mir wirklich sehr geholfen.
Neija kannja mal passieren :)

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 17:28
The Print media earlier very often would be used are read lasts however no longer so popularly there today for example that too long and is sat down too time-consuming more quickly and more comfortably it yet before the television to and look find would damage write is for example news I think that very then just letters yet much personally as over the internet to chat or goes to write enamels however it just more quickly.

hab ich so in dem sinn gedacht ;

Die Printmedien würden früher sehr oft genutzt aber sind heute nicht mehr so beliebt da z.b. das lesen zu lange dauert und zu zeitaufwendig ist schneller und bequemer ist es doch sich vor den ferseher zu setzten und z.b. nachrrichten gucken.Ich finde das sehr schade denn gerade Briefe schreiben ist doch viel persönlich als über das internet zu chatten oder emails zu schreiben,aber es geht eben schneller.

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 17:34
und damit hab ich sinngemäß gemeint;
There are many different kinds of media, the print media for example books, letters, newspaper and in newer time than photograph, telephone, film, radio, television and internet, but also video games. Media use sign, especially symbols as well as writing and language or music. If are the task of the media is the communication function, development function, information settlement, factor culture and carrier support.

Beispiele für einzelne Medien sind die so genannten Printmedien, Buch und Zeitung, aber auch das Flugblatt, der Brief und das Plakat, in neuerer Zeit dann Fotografie, Telefon, Film, Hörfunk, Fernsehen und Internet, aber auch Videospiele. Medien benutzen Zeichen, insbesondere Symbole wie Schrift und Sprache oder Musik.

Weißt wie ich meine?

Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2007 - 20:32
In the past the print media were used very often but today they aren`t that popular any more, because reading takes too much time and it is also faster to watch the news on TV. I think it is very (schade? ;)) because writing letters is more personal than chatting on the internet or writing e-mails.
dann würde ich den ersten unverständlichen satz so schreiben dem anderen muss ich nochma schauen

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