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Mündliche Englischprüfung: Stephen King

Frage: Mündliche Englischprüfung: Stephen King
(3 Antworten)

Hi, also ich brauche mal eure Hilfe und zwar hat mein Bruder nächste Woche seine mündlische Englischprüfung auf der Realschule(Eurokom), er hat das Thema "Stephen King" gewählt und muss nun eine Präsentation über ihn machen. Da mein Abschluss auch schon wieder 3 jahre zurück liegt und ich mich seit dem datum nicht mehr mit Englisch befasst habe, sind meine Kenntnisse ziemlich im Eimer, deshalb bitte ich euch, den folgenden Text zu korrigieren. Vielen Dank im vorraus:


Good day!

My presentation is about the American author Stephen King.

I had chosen this topic, because I’d like to read his books and the way he describes situations, places and things.

Stephen King’s full name is Stephen Edwin King. He was born on the 21. September 1947 in Portland Maine/ USA.

At first Stephen King worked as an English teacher, but he earned not enough money for his family so he worked at night in a laundry as an ironer to earn a little bit more money.
In a hire caravan he began to write his first roman with name “Carrie”. As he read his manuscript he doesn’t like it and through it into the waste.
His wife has found the manuscript and spurs him to finish it. The publishing house printed the book and it became successful. So he stopped to work as a teacher and becomes an author.

Stephen King writes principal horror and thriller stories.

My favorite book is Stephen King’s “IT”.

IT is an evil creature from galaxy which comes every 27 years to earth to kill kids and the story is about the fight between a few kids and “It”. At the end of the story the kids win an “It” dies.

I like this book because King writes the story so exactly, that I can imagine the situations and if I close my eyes I feel that they happen in real.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 26.11.2006 - 20:49

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Antwort von nettes_maedel86 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.11.2006 - 21:51
Hey, ich schreib den Text einfach mal so, wie ich es formulieren würde:

Good Morning! [Good Day ging auch, ist aber typisch australisch.
Bist du dir sicher, dass du das bei einer Präsentation über einen Amerikanischen Autor willst?]

My presentation is about the American author Stephen King. I chose this topic, because I like(d) reading [oder würdest du es mögen, die Bücher zu lesen?] his books and the way he describes situations, places and things.

[Ich würde hier noch was einfügen, wie: "At first I would like to tell you a little bit of the biography of Stephen King and then go on with his famous piece called "It". <-- Übergang]

Stephen King’s full name is Stephen Edwin King. He was born on September 21st, 1947 in Portland, Maine, USA.

After attending University Stephen King worked as an English teacher, however, he did not earn enough money in order to take care for his family. Therefore he began to work at night in a laundry mat as an ironer* to receive a little bit more money. (*Ich bin nicht sicher, dass es dieses Wort im Englischen gibt. Ggf. müsste das "as an ironer" durch "ironing clothing" ersetzt werden.)

In 19.., Stephen King began to write his first novel “Carrie” in a hired caravan. Reading its manuscript, he did not like and and thus put it into the trash can. Emptying this, his wife ..... (<-- Name) got aware of the manuscript and encouraged him to finish the novel. The publishing house printed this book, which became successful. So Stephen King finished working as a teacher and became an author.
In time he became really famous for his horror and thriller stories.
(vllt noch: His books are usually titled with a single word.)

My favorite of his books is "IT".
The story is about the fight between a few teenagers and “It”, which is an evil creature from a galaxy (in the shape of a clown) coming to earth every 27 years in order to kill kids. (Ich denke, eine längere Inhaltsangabe wäre von Vorteil. Wie wird gekämpft? Wie entdecken die Kids "Es"? Taucht "Es" immer im gleichen Ort oder in verschiedenen Staaten auf? etc. => Die Lehrer, die das bewerten, haben es nicht unbedingt gelesen!)
In spite of the genre "horror" there is a happy ending to the story: the kids win and “It” (finally) dies.

I especially like this book, because King wrote the story so faithfully, that the reader is able to imagine the situations and experiencing such a story in reality.

So, hoffe, ich hab euch / dir geholfen!


Antwort von GAST | 26.11.2006 - 21:52
schreib lieber:

my presentation deals with

(anstatt is about)

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Antwort von nettes_maedel86 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.11.2006 - 21:57
sorry... es muss "take care OF" nicht for heißen...

Und dann noch: "he did not like it (nicht and) and thus put it into the trash can."

In time he became really famous for his horror and thriller stories, which are usually titled with a single word.

Inhaltsangabe: Warum will "ES" Kinder töten?

LG nochmals

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