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Englische Mail: Bitte Lösung korrigieren

Frage: Englische Mail: Bitte Lösung korrigieren
(keine Antwort)

Beiträge 75
Ich muss auf eine Mail Antworten. Könnte das mal jemand Korrekturlesen Danke euch :-)

Meine Antwort
Good Morning Bob,
oh sounds like a stressful evening. Don´t worry everything went well with the new trainees. I think it was an exciting day and they were very tired
at the end of it. I made a list for the product training for this week. Find my list attached. Mark called. He would like an appointment regarding our products. I have entered the appointment in your calendar.
I will fax you all documents from the conference.
If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.
Frage von miela | am 02.04.2019 - 11:21

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