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Hilfe bei Englisch-Hausaufgaben- Korrekturlesen

Frage: Hilfe bei Englisch-Hausaufgaben- Korrekturlesen
(2 Antworten)

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Die Aufgabe lautet:
According to Oscar Wilde, progress is the `realisation of Utopias`.
Do you agree? Or can progress lead to dystopia as well?

Dazu habe ich folgendes geschrieben:

My opinion is a bit divided. On the one hand I agree with Oscar Wilde. Because of the permanent progress there are much more possibilities to tackle problems like sickness and famine. Therefore there isn`t so much misery in the world and the people can live happier and healthier than in the past. But on the other hand the progress isn`t all-over, so some regions do their progress and some regions don`t. So it could come to jealousy and rivalry between different nations. It could come to war and so the progress could lead to dystopia as well.

Ist das sinnvoll oder ist was komplett anderes gemeint?

Liebe Grüße
Frage von christinatodemann (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.09.2010 - 13:46

Antwort von GAST | 12.09.2010 - 19:49
My opinion is a bit divided(1). On the one hand I agree with Oscar Wilde. [---] Due to [---] permanent progress there are much more possibilities(2) to tackle problems like sickness and famine. Therefore there won`t be that much misery in the world and [---]people can live happier and healthier than in the past. But on the other hand [---] progress [---] can`t be found everywhere,
so some regions [---] undergo progress and some regions don`t. So [---] jealousy and rivalry might possibly arouse between different nations. Wars could break out and so [---]progress could lead to dystopia as well.

Beachte_ abstrakte Nomen, die nicht näher bestimmt sind immer ohne bestimmten Artikel!

zu 1) "a bit divided" ist "Schmarrn" - ein "bisschen geteilt" gibt`s nicht.
zu 2) "possiblitlty" ist das am "gernsten2 verwendete abstgrakte Nomen in Sek.II -aufsätzen; dab ei passen in der regel - so auch hier - opportunity oder chance viel besser.

fett = korrigiert/eingefügt // [---] = gestrichen


Beiträge 0
Antwort von christinatodemann (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.09.2010 - 20:31
Vielen Dank für die Korrektur :-)!

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