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Letter:What if?

Frage: Letter:What if?
(5 Antworten)

hey ihr,

also ich soll in Englisch eine Letter to the Editor zu folgendem Text schreiben.

Imagine what would happened if the course of history had been completely different: because Europe was weak and backward it was conquered by several big african and Asian states,which divided it up arbitrarily into colonies.
You live in Elberia,a former colony of the african superpower,Yoruba.Yoruba wants to introduce a law which will restrict the number of Elberian immigrants to Yoruba.

Write a letter to the editor of the main Yoruba newspaper,Fitila,reminding Yorubans of their responsibilities as the former colonial power.

So ich werde erstmal selbst anfang,aber solltet ihr irgendwelche ideen haben wärs toll wenn ihr die postet...

Vielen dank
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.03.2009 - 13:40

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2009 - 13:56
Dear Sir or Madam,
a short time ago I had listen that Yoruba would like to establish a law which should limit the number of Elberian immigrants to Yoruba.
Now I want to appeal to the government of Yoruba.
Due to the fact they have a big responsibility compared to us. I mean everybody could see that the most colonies goining down because of poverty and partly cause of neglect by the former colonial rulers. And many elberian people need Yoruba to study and later to work in the modern africa because there is an advanced technology and many industry.

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2009 - 14:00
könntet ihr evtl mal drüberschauen und evtl noch ergänzen bzw berichtigen?

Beiträge 40256
Antwort von matata | 03.03.2009 - 14:58
I had listen..... listen wird gebraucht für Musik hören
---> to hear : hören, erfahren

would like ---> to plan
to appeal on
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2009 - 15:08
okay danke dir schonmal,hast du zufällig noch ne idee was man ergänzen könnte,da so ein brief schon ca 200 wörter umfassen soll...
mir fällt grad nichts mehr ein:(

Antwort von GAST | 03.03.2009 - 17:11
hat niemand mehr eine Idee?

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