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Bitte um Korrektur!

Frage: Bitte um Korrektur!
(4 Antworten)

es wäre lieb, wenn ihr mal drübergucken würdet. vielleicht hat ja jemand auch noch andere vorschläge für mein essay!


America is a state with freedom and civil rights, a state where many immigrants live, a state with crime and where the death penalty is used. It has set the standarts for the modern world and is still the most envied and influenced nation that has ever been.

America is also called the „American Dream“. It is different for everyone, but it consists of the ability to be successful, free and control our own destiny. Everyone lives in America as they want to live. Nobody says anything against other people’s way of life. They are all treated the same, therefore has everyone the chance to succeed.

However, many people think that the American Dream has changed into a nightmare, because not everything is as perfect as it might seem. There are for example a lot of crimes like drug dealing and drug taking. In addition, many people have illegal weapons, especially in cities. And also racism between blacks, whites and all immigrants, is a negative point of America. So, if you succeed and live the American Dream, you will be very happy, but if you fail, life can really be terrible and this could maybe lead to commit a crime.

Crime in America has become more gruesome with the time. It is a serious issue that affects the victims, offenders and their families and friends. Crimes include for example murder, kidnapping, and rape. Anyone at any age who brutally murders another person should be tried as an adult. If they are capable of brutally murdering, they shouldn’t have the chance to go on living normally after prison. They should stay in prison until they are dead, but they should not be permitted to exist in our society.

The biggest punishment in America is the death penalty. Killing another human isn’t a civilised response to anything, but sometimes they do deserve it. The perpetraters don’t have the opportunity to kill again and so life on streets would be better and safer. But on the other side innocent people can be killed, because D N A evidence is not alway available and the one who decides whether somebody dies or lives would also be a killer.

We also have to ask, why somebody does criminal things. One reason is because of violence in the media. Especially children, who don’t learn that they shouldn’t imitate bad things they see on TV are committing crimes faster.

Immigration in America is also a hot issue. Immigrants are the backbone of the American economy. They do the tougher, dirtier jobs and the pay is not high, so they enable America to be competitive. Americans are an economic benefit. Another reason is that immigration solves the birthrateproblem that the Americans had in the past. Immigration also brings new culture and life to America.

There are also other difficulties, that immigrants often bring with them. Most Americans are afraid that the immigrants take their jobs. Another difficulty is the social problems. The schools nd hospitals can be overwhelmed by illegal immigrant pupils and patients. The American State must pay for every person. There are also unfair prejudices which cause tension, between the Americans and the immigrants. Many immigrants are critical about the US policy, especially when it comes to wars.

The US presidential election seems never to end. It is held once every four years. An election amounts to several years of round-the-clock speculation, careful arrangements and fundraising. The two most prominent parties in the United States are the Republican and Democrat parties. Republicans are generally considered more conservative, and the Democrats more liberal.

In conlusion is America in the eyes of the world a state, that has had great effects on the world and has helped a lot of nations that were in trouble. But on the other hand, many people also hate the President of the USA- „George W Bush“.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.04.2008 - 16:32

Antwort von GAST | 30.04.2008 - 16:41
ich find den text sehr geil, vll sind da nochn paar fehler drin die ich auch nich seh...^^

allerdings würd ich den schluss n bissel ändern.

"to conclude you can say that america- in the eyes of the world- is a state..."?

Beiträge 0
Antwort von julchen2005 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.04.2008 - 16:44
wieso machst du dazu 3 threads auf?
einer genügt vollkommen. mit dreien gehts nicht schneller. ;)

Antwort von GAST | 30.04.2008 - 16:58
die andern zwei waren nicht über america..das waren doch ganz andere essays...

Beiträge 8717
Antwort von auslese | 30.04.2008 - 17:33

America is a state with freedom and civil rights, a state where many immigrants live, a state with crime and where the death penalty is used. It has set the standarts for the modern world and is still the most envied and influenced nation that has ever been.

> with crimes; standards; meinst du wirklich beeinflusste nation? Nicht eher beeinflussende nation ?

America is also called the „American Dream“. It is different for everyone, but it consists of the ability to be successful, free and control our own destiny. Everyone lives in America as they want to live. Nobody says anything against other people’s way of life. They are all treated the same, therefore has everyone the chance to succeed.

> In America the idea of the so-called “American Dream” was contrived, which is different for everyone…; to be successful, free and to have the possibility to forge its own destiny; All are treated the same, therefore everyone has the chance to be successful.

However, many people think that the American Dream has changed into a nightmare, because not everything is as perfect as it might seem. There are for example a lot of crimes like drug dealing and drug taking. In addition, many people have illegal weapons, especially in cities. And also racism between blacks, whites and all immigrants is a negative point of America. So, if you succeed and live the American Dream, you will be very happy, but if you fail, life can really be terrible and this could maybe lead to commit a crime.

> drug distribution; if you were successful and live the American Dream now…; life can be really terrible, which maybe forces somebody to commit a crime.

Crime in America has become more gruesome with the time. It is a serious issue that affects the victims, offenders and their families and friends. Crimes include for example murder, kidnapping, and rape. Anyone at any age who brutally murders another person should be tried as an adult. If they are capable of brutally murdering, they shouldn’t have the chance to go on living normally after prison. They should stay in prison until they are dead, but they should not be permitted to exist in our society.

>murdering…raping; who murders another person in a brutally way should be treated like an adult; have a normal life after prison; until they die.

The biggest punishment in America is the death penalty. Killing another human isn’t a civilised response to anything, but sometimes they do deserve it. The perpetraters don’t have the opportunity to kill again and so life on streets would be better and safer. But on the other side innocent people can be killed, because D N A evidence is not alway available and the one who decides whether somebody dies or lives would also be a killer.

>the severest punishment…., but sometimes they deserve it. perpretatOrs; alwayS

We also have to ask, why somebody does criminal things. One reason is because of violence in the media. Especially children, who don’t learn that they shouldn’t imitate bad things they see on TV are committing crimes faster.

> one reason is the violence in the media. Especially children, who have to learn a right social behaviour yet are confronted with overacted brutal scenes on TV which enables them to commit crimes as well.

Immigration in America is also a hot issue. Immigrants are the backbone of the American economy. They do the tougher, dirtier jobs and the pay is not high, so they enable America to be competitive. Americans are an economic benefit. Another reason is that immigration solves the birthrateproblem that the Americans had in the past. Immigration also brings new culture and life to America.
> is also a big problem; and their wages are not that adequate; the birthrateproblem the Americans have had. Immigration also mixes new culture and life with the American one.

There are also other difficulties, that immigrants often bring with them. Most Americans are afraid that the immigrants take their jobs. Another difficulty is the social problems. The schools nd hospitals can be overwhelmed by illegal immigrant pupils and patients. The American State must pay for every person. There are also unfair prejudices which cause tension, between the Americans and the immigrants. Many immigrants are critical about the US policy, especially when it comes to wars.

> afraid of losing their jobs to the immigrants; social problem; and; by illegal pupil and patients with a migration background; many immigrants criticise the US policy

The US presidential election seems never to end. It is held once every four years. An election amounts to several years of round-the-clock speculation, careful arrangements and fundraising. The two most prominent parties in the United States are the Republican and Democrat parties. Republicans are generally considered more conservative, and the Democrats more liberal.

> seems to have no end

In conlusion is America in the eyes of the world a state, that has had great effects on the world and has helped a lot of nations that were in trouble. But on the other hand, many people also hate the President of the USA- „George W Bush“.

> the eyes of the world America is a state, which … in the world .. nations which were in trouble.

Guter Text, klingt zwar ab und zu irgendwie sehr deutsch; ist aber im großen und ganzen gelungen.
Aber am ende hattest du kein bock mehr, ne?

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