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Bad experience about a journey

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Bad experience

It was in the summer holidays last year. My mother and I flew to London. We were in the plane for two hours. At the airport we shouted for a taxi. When we arrived at the hotel we went in our room. Then we went to a beautiful restaurant. The food in the restaurant was the best food I had ever eaten. When my mum wanted to pay the bill she noticed that her wallet had disappeared. My mum shouted My wallet is gone!" We could not pay the bill and also our room in the hotel. So we had to do the washing up. At the hotel we said to the manager We can't pay the bill for our room." When the hotel manager heard this he threw us out of the hotel. Then we went to my grandmother who lived in London. She was very friendly and gave us some money. So my mother and I flew back home and we never wanted to fly to London again.

Es ist eine Englische Hausübung über eine schlechte Erfahrung von einer Reise. (206 Wörter)
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