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Engisch-Test: Who oder which?

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Englisch-Test: “WHO” OR “WHICH” ?

  1. I think London is the town ………. has got the most sights in Europe.

  2. Here´s the book ………. I bought you last week.

  3. Mrs Harper is the woman ………. lives next door to us.

  4. Look over there. Isn´t that the man ………. bought your car?

  5. There are mountains near here ………. are very beautiful.

  6. There´s a girl in my class ………. comes from South America.

  7. The bridge ………. goes across the river is very old.

  8. Mike is the paperboy ………. delivers our paper every day.

  9. There is a swimming pool in our town ………. is open from May to September.

  10. There is a church in the village ………. needs a new roof.

  11. A doctor is a person ………. helps people when they are ill.

  12. Here´s a picture of the sports centre ………. is not far from our school.

  13. There´s a motorway near our house ………. is always very noisy.

  14. Mr Thomson is the man ………. owns the book shop.

  15. There´s the woman ………. works in the post-office.

  16. The people ……… live opposite us are not very friendly.

  17. I have just seen the man ………. stole Mr Green´s bike.

  18. The shop ………. has just opened in Hill Street is not very good.

  19. There is a new restaurant in town ………. only sells hamburgers.

  20. We have a teacher at school ……… is very ill.

1.which, 2.which, 3.who, 4.who, 5.which, 6.who, 7.which, 8.who, 9.which, 10.which, 11.who, 12.which, 13.which, 14.who, 15.who, 16.who, 17.who, 18.which, 19.which, 20.who
Test zur Vorbereitung und Übung auf die klassenarbeit in Englisch zum Thema who/which
(mit Lösungsblatt zur Selbstkontrolle) (249 Wörter)
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