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Summary: Aborigines

Alles zu AUD - Australien Aborigines


Australia has got the "sorry day" for the Aborigines, because the Australian people say sorry for the stolen generation. That means that the white settlers have treated the Aborigines as animals. They have stolen their children, because the white people did not want mixed races. The children were taken in Christian missionary stations and were beaten by the nuns and raped by the priests.
2% of the 19 million inhabitants in A. are Aborigines
They died 20 years earlier than the white people and the mortality is five times higher.
Most of them were unemployed above all the youngsters
The children over 15 have problems with school. They are drinking alcohol and are taking drugs.
80% in the prisons were Aborigines
The cattle farmers and cowboys treated the Aborigines like animals, mowed them down, rode over them, poisoned them with arsenic, infected them with important illnesses and raped their women
Cathy Freeman was the first Aborigine woman who was successful in the Olympic Games .
In 1997 Sir Ronald Wilson discovered the true history of the Aborigines. So, the kidnapped children are look for their parents.

Dies ist ein Einblick in das Leben der Aborigines, ihre Probleme und ihre Geschichte

(auf Englisch, stichpunktartig, ) (187 Wörter)
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