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2 Dokumente und 13 Forumsbeiträge

2 Dokumente zum Thema Biology:

Bei der Datei handelt es sich um Argumente fürs Rauchen. Diese sollten wir für das Fach Biology heraussuchen und notieren. In der Schule haben wir dann eine Talkshow damit gemacht. (138 Wörter)
Englischsprachige Zusammenfassung zum Thema Genetics/Genetik. Es werden Grundlagen beschrieben, z.B: Genes, Proteins, Heredity, DNA, aber auch im Detail Mitosis und Meiosis. Die Zusammenfassung stammt aus dem biligualen Biologie Unterricht am Gymnasium. (2348 Wörter)

13 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Biology:

Ich habe jetzt eine Analyse geschrieben zu „Locker 160“ by Lee Busselmanm. Könnte einer von euch da mal drüber schauen. The Short Story „Locker 160” written by Lee Busselmann deals with bullying at a high school between three girls, which takes a bad turn. The story is told from a first person point of view and takes place in a hallway of a sc..
Locker 160 (by Leo Busselman) It was my idea, I guess, in the first place. “Let’s put a hate note in someone’s locker,” I said to Julie, half as a joke. We were waiting for biology class to begin. She smiled and raised her eyebrows. “Another one of your great ideas, Karen? Whose locker do you suggest we put it in?” I glanced around the room. “Oh..
Ich suche ein Bild der Wasserpest Zelle Elodea Elodea und zwar so ein ähnliches wie das hier: Aber eben nur die Zelle alleine und detallierter. In meinem Buch ist nichts zu finden.
Kann das jemand korrigieren? Dear Sir/Madame I saw the letter from Paul Harris in the “Youth-Magazine“and I would like to talk with you about diet. Paul’s diet isn’t healthy and he could be adiposity after a while. He doesn’t drink enough water and too much coke. His food is most of the time fried and not fresh and natural. Paul eats great..
Hey Leute, könnte jemand vllt mal über meinen Text drüberschauen? Wäre sehr nett! Schonmal Danke im Voraus...:) In the foreword which has been written in 1946 by Aldous Huxley, he mentions many of his thoughts about his novel and the future of society. As the foreword has been published 15 years after the novel, Aldous Huxley criticises so..
Hallo ich hab einen englischen Dialog geschrieben. Ich möchte gern wissen ob, irgendetwas falsch ist. Falls ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, bitte ich euch sie mir mitzuteilen. Viel Spaß beim lesen, d. A DISCUSSION ABOUT MONEY Daughter: „Daddy could I bother you for a moment?” Father: „What´s up?” Daughter: „Coul..
A detailed Curriculm Vitae My name is x. At the moment I live in x. The street, in which I live, is called x. I was born on 14. December 1995 in x at the x. x, my mother, was born on 3. October 1957 in x. In the same city, which my father, x, was born. The date of birth is on 21. May 1959.My parents are self-employed and have a restaurant in x. ..
Hey Leute, ich verschenke Referate (Mappe, wenn gewünscht ne PowerPoint Präsentation, Plakat, Hand Out, Fotos usw.) ich müsst mir einfach eine Mail schreiben ! Die Referate gelten für: Pyhsik Deutsch English European Studies Geschichte Erdkunde Biologie Biology Sport Kunst Musik P.S.: Scherz :D
ich schreibe gerade ne facharbeit und wollte das hier übersetze aber ich komm irgendwie gar nicht klar mit könnt einges versteh ich ja nur mir fehlen die deutschen wörter Applying mathematics to biology has a long history, but only recently has there been an explosion of interest in the field. Some reasons for this include: • the ex..
Dear Sir or Madam I am a school student from Hannover, in Germany. Next year, from 14 - 25 January, a group of our students are planning to come to West Cumbria to gain work experience. Whereas most are taking work placements arranged by our partner school, I am writing to ask you for the opportunity to come to the Aquaria on work experience, as..
1. Imagine that you are a new student at a college or universitiy. Use simple present and present continous! My name ist M. K. an I am 18 years old. I was born in Braunschweig and I am originally from Germany. Since my childhood I love to play football. Because oft he importance of my last school years, I decided tomak a break in my football lif..
So I`m a major in biology in the second year. My school is a community college, technically it`s a major in science. I have completed all of the biology courses I need with simple A, just like my electives. Now I`m taking algebra and chemistry and I`m very, very bad. I`ve never been good at these subjects in high school and have big problems with i..
Hi folks, I recently received an offer for a master’s degree in chemistry in Oxford. I`m a graduate in biology, chemistry, and math, and I`ve read the most common chemistry entry books: why chemical reactions take place, a handful of very brief introductions, mechanics guide, and a few math books. I totally regretted taking biology and should have ..
Um die passende kostenlose Hausaufgabe oder Referate über Biology zu finden, musst du eventuell verschiedene Suchanfragen probieren. Generell ist es am sinnvollsten z.B. nach dem Autor eines Buches zu suchen und dem Titel des Werkes, wenn du die Interpretation suchst!