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Frage: Bitte Übersetzung kontrolieren
(5 Antworten)

Beiträge 3
My name is ... I`m 18 years old and life together with my mother and my fiveyears old brother in our house in Zeesen. I have a very close relationship to my grandparents. I`m several times the week at them. In June 2018 I finished successfully my school leaving examination. I had the wish to start directly after finishing school with my dual course of study in real estate industry. But the closing date for application for this study was unfortunately really short so I start this year in October. To use the left time active I started working as a waitress in cinema to earn money for my Ranchstay programm in Canada from the 07/04/2019 to the 19/05/2019. There I want to get to know the country and its people. Also it`s a great possibility to improve my English skills.

I`m a cheerful and open-minded human. I`m fond of children, creative, diligent and never grumpy. I really enjoy to be outside and travel through the world. Scotland with it`s beautiful landscape and it`s unique culture fascinates me. In a host family I`ve got the possibility to get integrated in the family and to live the everyday life. I can take care and play with the children and can help the family with house and garden. Therefore I would like to be an Au pair.
Both of my internship programmes were really nice and I learned a lot. The goodbye were for both sides not easy. But I`ll visit them.
In my freetime I go twice the week for each four hours to badminton. There I`m the youth leader and train together with my coach 6 to 14 children in the age between 10 and 17 years. I really love this. Once a week I`m ride a horse. I take care of all our animals. We`ve got two goats. Their names are Snow White and Rose Red. I also have a cat and five rabbits. In winter and when the weather isn`t good I really like to paint or tinker the whole day.
In my family and by my friends I`m known for my cooking and baking talent. Once in month all my best friends come to me and I`m cooking for them. My knowledge in the kitchen and in household I got from my grandmother. She taught me a lot.
My halfsister lifes at my fathers house together with her mum. She is the new wife of my father. I see her one to two times the week. Then I pick her up from school and I do homework with her. Afterwards we play outside, jumping on the trampoline, play tag, play hide- and- week or with the two cats. Often in summer I`m at the lake with her. We swim, dive or stand up paddle.
Nearly every morning I`m bring my little brother to the kindergarten. If my mum have to work longer I also pick him up and take care of him. When my mum has an appointment or isn`t already at home I put him to bed. Then I read like my mother do it daily one or two tales to him, he really likes it. The birthday partys of my siblings are always big. Then my parents are really glad that I`m there and be a big help.
For instant last year there were 10 little boys at my brothers birthday. It was a bit stressful cause most of the time there were inside because of the weather. But all in all it was really nice and funny.
I think that I`m because of my character and my experiences very appropriate to fulfil the exercises of an Au pair.
I believe that I`ll develop myself further and will find new friends for life.
Frage von Herbstzauber | am 28.02.2019 - 15:22

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 28.02.2019 - 21:08
(Ich habe allerdings nicht die deutsche Vorlage für diesen Text, daher habe ich diesen Passus nach Gefühl korrigiert bzw. umformuliert)

My name is ... I’m 18 years old and I live together with my mother and my five years old brother in our house in Zeesen. I have a very close relationship to my grandparents.
I’m several times the week at them. In June 2018 I have successfully passed my school leaving examination. I wanted to start directly after finishing school with my dual course of study in real estate industry. Unfortunately the closing date for application for this study was really short so will I start this year in October. To make good use of the remaining time I started working as a waitress in cinema to earn money for my Ranchstay programm in Canada from the 07/04/2019 to the 19/05/2019. There I want to get to know the country and its people. Also it’s a great possibility to improve my English skills. I’m a cheerful and open-minded person/girl/boy, fond of children, creative, diligent and never grumpy. I really enjoy being outside and travelling around the world. Scotland with it’s beautiful landscape and it’s unique culture fascinates me. In a host family I’ve got the possibility to get integrated in the family and to live the everyday life. I can take care and play with the children and can help the family with house and garden. Therefore I would like to be an Au-pair. Both of my internship programmes were really nice and I learned a lot. The goodbye were for both sides not easy. But I’ll visit them.

Ab hier konnte ich gemäß dem Text im Bild korrigieren/umformulieren...
  • In my freetime I go twice a week to badminton for four hours. (Ich habe allerdings nicht die deutsche Vorlage…) There I’m the youth leader and train together with my coach 6 to 14 children aged 10 to 17 years. I really love this. Once a week I am going for a ride and take care of all our animals. We`ve got two goats named Snow White and Rose Red a cat and five rabbits. In winter and when the weather isn’t good I really like to paint or tinker the whole day.
  • In my family and by my friends I’m known for my cooking and baking talent. Once in month all my best friends come to me and I’m cooking for them. I owe my passion for cooking and baking to my grandmother. She taught me a lot.
  • My halfsister lives at my fathers house together with his new bride. She is the new wife of my father. I see her mostly once or twice a week. Then I pick her up at school and I do homework with her. Afterwards we play outside, jumping on the trampoline, play tag, play hide- and- week or with the two cats. In summer I often am at the lake with her. We swim, dive or we do stand-up paddling.
  • Almost every morning I drop off my little brother at the kindergarten and also pick him up and take care of him in the afternoon, if my mum has to work longer. When my mum has an appointment or isn’t at home in time I put him to bed, too. Then I read, like my mother usually does, one or two bedtime stories to him, which he really likes.
  • The birthday of my siblings are always partied big. Then parents are really glad that I’m there and a big help for them.
  • For instance last year there were 10 little boys at my brothers birthday who had to be taken care of. It was a little exhausting cause most of the time they were inside due to the weather. But all in all it was really nice and funny.
  • Considering my personal qualities and my experiences I think that I’m suitable to fulfil the tasks of an Au-pair.
  • I believe I’ll improve tremendously by this new experience and make friends for life.

Beiträge 42
Antwort von Winston3 | 01.03.2019 - 13:14

Ich finde es sehr unfair, dass man mir nicht geholfen hat, weil man dachte ich hätte mein Text nur vom Google übersetzer. Aber bei dieser Frage sagt keiner was dazu richtig ungerecht diese Seite.

Beiträge 11937
Antwort von cleosulz | 01.03.2019 - 13:47
Aber bei dieser Frage sagt keiner was dazu
richtig ungerecht diese Seite.

@ Winston3

Warum sollen wir uns die Mühe machen Übersetzungen von Google zu korrigieren, bei denen keine Eigenleistung der User erkennbar ist?

Und diese Seite als "ungerecht" zu bezeichnen, nachdem wir dir ehrenamtlich hier bereits mehrfach geholfen haben, finde ich persönlich als unverschämt.
Zumal deine Beiträge die Worte Bitte und Danke nicht enthalten. Schon mal darüber nachgedacht?
Höflichkeit ist für viele halt auch ein Fremdwort.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 42
Antwort von Winston3 | 01.03.2019 - 15:25

Okej der Satz war einbisschen übertrieben, aber es ist ja auch nicht an dich gerichtet sondern an @Ratgeber denn Sie ist diejenige die behauptet ich benutze nur Google Translator ich benutze es nur für gewisse Wörter, aber den Rest schreibe ich selbst.

Beiträge 11937
Antwort von cleosulz | 01.03.2019 - 17:58
Die (nennen wir es mal großzügig) "Entschuldigung" für mich nehme ich an.

Dass man dir hier nicht hilft stimmt nicht und konnte ich so nicht stehen lassen => du hast jede Menge Korrekturen erhalten, unter anderem auch von Ratgeber, die du so harsch kritisierst (da darfst du auch ruhig ein bisschen Abbitte üben )

und Ratgebers Hinweis auf die 1:1 Kopie bei deiner Anfrage hier =>
ist durchaus berechtigt.

(Ich habe deinen Entwurf überprüft => Goggle-Übersetzer 1:1 lässt grüßen.)

Der Entwurf von Herbstzauber lässt Eigeninitiative erkennen (wenn auch nicht durchgehend).

Du (und andere User) wurdest bereits mehrfach darauf hingewiesen, dass die Online-Übersetzer zwar grundsätzlich nicht schlecht, jedoch für längere Sätze und größere Abschnitte nicht geeignet sind. Es macht niemand einen Vorwurf, wenn man diese Möglichkeit für einzelne Sätze/Passagen nützt.
Jedoch sollte ein persönlicher Versuch, eine gewisse Eigenarbeit erkennbar sein.
e-hausaufgaben ist eine Helferseite und ein Schülerforum. Kein Übersetzungsbüro und kein Dienstleistungsunternehmen, bei dem man eine Aufgabe abgibt und dann das fertige Ergebnis serviert bekommt.
________________________ - Team

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