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Frage: Text überschauen und korrigieren bitte
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LG Jesse

When talking about digitization in G ermany there are a lot of technologies comes to our mind like machine learning, artificial intelligence or virtual reality.
In my opinion the technology trends will have a big influence in the future. For example: Some hospitals like the university hospital in Hamburg-Eppendorf uses virtual reality for the medicine students in the first semester. They can simulate some operations. It is a good preparation for the real situation. Furthermore it is possible to use smart robot to make the job a bit easier. In Japan they use robotic to entertain the elderly people in a hospital or home for the aged.
On the other side technology like artificial intelligence can use for autonomous driving. Some projects for example in Hamburg or Berlin have started. In my opinion it is a trend because a lot of companies have dispute with digitization for example in the Accounting or logistics company. In the last years a lot of companies had developed applications for different area (like games: Candy Crush or e-health: Tinnitracks). Tinnitracks is an application to treat the tinnitus and the application is very successful. In my view the virtual reality and the development of applications will get more important in the next years, because the number of projects and start ups is raising.
In the future we will get more application for the smart phone. Furthermore our life will get more comfortable because some robotics will adopt the hard working part of the job or the IT hardware will run faster.

In the following newspaper article “X” I will explain the technology trends in 2017. One of the graphical presentation for technology trends is the “Gartner hype cycle”. It is a branded graphical with five individual phases and described the market potential of the technologies. The first phase of the Gartner hype cycle is the “Innovation trigger”. This products or technologies have a potential for the market and a lot of companies are interested in this product. The technology products in this phase have the first achievements. In the last year it has a lot of innovation such as 4D-printing, smart robots and deep reinforcement learning. In the next phase the “peak of inflated expectations” the cycle is raising up until the peak.
The products get in the publicity some attention, because they get more achievements. The problem in this phase is the expectations of the stakeholder. If the product get more successful stories, the expectations will get higher. Some technologies in this phase are: virtual assistants, deep learning, machine learning and blockchain. The third phase is the “trough of disillusionment” and the cycle will get falling down. A lot of expectations are not satisfied and some products could be unsuccessful for example is “Augmented Reality”. The fourth phase is the “slope of enlightenment”. The stakeholder will get more enlightenment about the technologies and an efficient use is possible. An example is the virtual reality. The last phase is the “Plateau of Productivity”. This are mainstream technologies and a lot of companies use it. In 2017 we did not have any product in this phase. To sum up the technology is coming and it will be a trend for the next years.
Frage von Jesse1990 | am 18.06.2018 - 17:31

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