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Reported Speech Sätze bitte verbessern

Frage: Reported Speech Sätze bitte verbessern
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 7
Hallo ihr Lieben, ich habe die Aufgabe bekommen, ein Dialoge in Reported Speech zu ändern.
wäre sehr dankbar wenn jemand drüberschauen könnte ob das grammatikalisch in Ordnung ist.
(weil ich da leider nicht so gut bin)
Vielen dank im Voraus.
Mum greeted and asked what the matter was.
Mark answered that dad told him that he had lost his voice.
Mum said it had to be a joke. She said him not to joke.
Mark told his mother that he said that it was not a joke. He really had lost his voice.
Than mum said, that she would make a nice cup of tea for him. And that he would get his voice back.
Susan asked her dad, how he had lost his voice.
Mark answered that dad told him that he had gone to the football match the night before .
Susan asked if he had shouted so much that he lost his voice.
Mark said yes, dad had shouted so much, that he lost his voice.
Susan asked if he had won.
Mark said no, they lost.
Mum said there was a cup of tea. She asked him, if he would like to have something to eat.
Mark said that he told him that he would like have some toast with honey.
Susan asked her mum why honey.
Mum told her that honey is good for her throat.
Frage von Bianca112 | am 27.05.2017 - 14:11

Antwort von ANONYM | 27.05.2017 - 15:10
href="/community.php?returnurl=Thema-208319-Reported-Speech-Saetze-bitte-verbessern.php" rel="nofollow" title="Download nur für Mitglieder">

Warum stellst du deine Frage doppelt? Einmal reicht doch wirklich aus, auch wenn du nicht sofort Antwort bekommst!

Beiträge 7
Antwort von Bianca112 | 27.05.2017 - 16:07
Liebe / Lieber Anonym,

es tut mir leid. Es war keine Absicht, ich bin neu hier, und kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus. Falls es Sie so sehr gestört hat, bitte ich Sie um Verzeihung Frau / Herr Anonym. Wird nicht mehr vorkommen.

Lg, Bianca :)

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