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englisch kurzer text korrektur

Frage: englisch kurzer text korrektur
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kann jemand meinen ganz kurzen text zum thema, was für eine bedeutung musik hat in meinem leben, korrigieren? danke schonmal im voraus!

Probably there are only few things which can people make so simply happy and have such a big influence on our life like music.
In films a soulful melody often leaves the spectators in a romantic scene. A quick beat in films forces up our heart rate. When we are cooking we often listen to music. Even if we meet our friends, music provides in the background for a relaxed atmosphere often. When we are jogging, the music propels us. Long drives become tolerable with the right songs, a bad day can become a good one. Also, parties wouldn’t be the same without music – we dance while we’re listen to music and because there is music. Music makes good mood. Music has, how you can see, a big influence on my life and on the life of many other. Music is very important.
Frage von luisa_marie | am 20.02.2017 - 22:04

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