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The Amish Group: Referatvorbereitung

Frage: The Amish Group: Referatvorbereitung
(3 Antworten)

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Hi Leute ich hab nexte Woche E-Referat. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob alles korrekt ist. Würd mich freuen, wenn ihr es mal durchlesen könntet um zu schauen ob es so passt. Danke.

The Amish are a group of t raditionalist Christian people who live in America. In the 18th century they were travelled from Germany to the USAbecause in Germany they had many problems with their religion.
Today there live about 150000 Amish people in 22 States of the USA
In Europe there are no amisch people anymore.
The Amisch can be categorized in two groups, the New Order and the old Order Amisch.
The new Order are not as strict as the Old Order. They are allowed to use electricity and many other technological things. For the Old Order they are forbidden.
They have their own rules of dressing, too.
Women and girls have to wear long sleeves and a full skirt. They wear their hair as a bun on the back of the head
On the bun , they wear a bonnet, that is white if they are married and black if they are not married.
Men and boys have to wear dark suits, broad trousers with suspenders, black socks, shoes and a broad hat. After marriage they must have a beard, but no mustache .
The Amisch have their own schools. The pupils have to go to scholl for only 8 years. After finishing school they learn to work on their farm and on the fields .
Frage von mondela | am 05.10.2016 - 20:39

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 05.10.2016 - 21:59
The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian people who live in America. In the 18th century they were emigrated from Germany to the USA because in Germany they had many problems with their religion.

Today there live about 150000 Amish people in 22 States of the USA . ( Wikipedia gibt da andere Zahlen…)
In Europe there categorized in two groups,
the New Order and the old Order Amisch . (stimmt so nicht, denn diese Untergruppen entstanden in Amerika)
The new Order Amish are not as strict as the Old Order. They are allowed to use electricity and many other technological things. For the Old Order they are forbidden. (Dazu schau Dir bitte mal die Tabelle auf dieser Seite an)
They have their own rules of dressing, too.
Women and girls have to wear long sleeves and a full skirt. They wear their hair as a bun on the back of the head
On the bun they wear a bonnet, that is white if they are married and black if they are unmarried / single .
Men and boys have to wear dark suits, broad trousers with suspenders, black socks, shoes and a broad hat. After marriage they must have a beard, but no mustache.
The Amisch have their own schools. The pupils have to go to school for only 8 years. After finishing school they learn to work on their farm and on the fields .
(Zuletzt geändert von matata am 05.10.2016)
Frage von mondela | heute - 20:39

Meines Erachtens fehlt der Ursprung (wo entstanden, von wem gegründet). Außerdem könntest Du noch vieles anderes aus der Wikipedia-Seite entnehmen, um das Referat aufzuwerten. Für - wahrscheinlich 10. Klasse - ist es zu wenig...

Beiträge 2
Antwort von mondela | 05.10.2016 - 22:13
Kann ich auch sagen my talk is divided into tree Parts. Firstly i will give you some information about amish Then i will give you informations about her life art and finally i will talk about their rules of Dressing.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 05.10.2016 - 22:40
My presentation is separated / split into three parts. I will begin with some informations about the Amish. Then I will tell you informations about their traditional way of life. And finally you will hear something about their dress code.

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