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Inhaltsangabe zur Kurzgeschichte ,,Laura"

Frage: Inhaltsangabe zur Kurzgeschichte ,,Laura"
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo Community :), ich schreibe morgen eine Klausur, in der es darum geht ein summary zu einer Kurzgeschichte zu schreiben. Deshalb wollte ich noch ein bisschen anhand einer Kurzgeschichte üben und würde mich echt freuen wenn ihr mir helfen würdet den Text zu korrigieren :).

Hier erst mal die Kurzgeschichte, falls ihr sie nicht kennt:) :
Laura by Robert O`Neill
Everybody in the crowded Restaurant stared when the Young woman suddenly threw a glass of wine in the face of the older man sitting opposite her at a table near the window. The young woman was attractive and well dressed. The man was at least twenty years older than she was. He looked shocked. The Young woman suddenly stood up and ran towards the door.
"Laura, come back, please," the older man shouted. But she had already reached the door. The man ran after her. It had started to rain outside. She ran out into the middle of the street.
"For God`s sake, give me a Chance to explain," the man shouted.
She turned round and stared at him. A car had just turned his windscreen wipers on, and he was talking to someone on his mobile. Then - suddenly - he saw her - directly in front of him, so Close that he could see her eyes when she turned her head and looked at him.

Dazu meine Inhaltsangabe:
The short story "Laura" was written by Robert O`Neill and published in 2004.
It deals with two protagonists, a young woman, named Laura and an older man who have an argument in a restaurant which ends with an car accident.
The story begins when the young woman Laura throws a glass of wine in the face of the older man who sits opposite her. She runs out into the middle of the street and the man follows her and asks her for a Chance to explain something, but Laura does not Reply. Her eyes are fixed on him, so she cannot see the car which Comes towards her with a driver who does not pay attention to the street.The short story ends with this Scene and the reader does not get to know if it Comes to an accident.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus:)
Frage von Millie0210 | am 21.09.2016 - 20:17

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 21.09.2016 - 21:44
Inhaltlich habe ich gerade keine Zeit, es im Detail zu lesen. Aber ich hoffe dir hilft auch eine Korrektur des Textes:

The short story "Laura" was written by Robert O`Neill and published in 2004.
It deals with two protagonists, a young woman, named Laura and an older man who have an argument in a restaurant which ends with an car accident.
The story begins when the young woman Laura throws a glass of wine in the face of the older man who sits opposite to her. She runs out into the middle of the street and the man follows her and asks her for a chance to explain something, but Laura does not reply. Her eyes are fixed on him, so she cannot see the car which comes towards her with a driver who does not pay attention to the street.The short story ends with this scene and the reader does not get to know if they get hurt by the car.
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