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Frage: Englisch Text: Bitte korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

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In der Schule muss ich einen Text über irgendein Thema schreiben und ich habe im englischen Bereich "Bullying In American Schools" genommen. Da habe ich jetzt einiges zusammengeschrieben und nun bitte ich jemand dies zu kontrollieren und zu verbessern:

What’s “Bullying” more exact?
There is no fixed definition for “bullying” although everyone uses it as a person who is aggressive towards others for repeated times. The result about someone who bullies another person is to hurt them emotionally, mentally, individually or physically. These acts are “made” with words or other physically ways. It is repeated and doesn’t stop after a few days. Some people do it for power, to control others or because of jealousy.

There are also several types of “bullying”:
Individua l
Someone who has one goal or many to treat them badly.

A Person who hurts another person physically by example hitting them. It also counts by stealing
their property or damage them.

This is the type of bullying where someone hurts you by calling you names, disseminate rumors, threatening another person and/or making fun of them. This type of bullying is the most common
one and it’s even more powerful than others.

The Relation bullying is meant to destroy their reputation.

When a person bullies someone over the social network.

A group of friends or just a bunch of pupils does something to hurt just one person or another group.

From where does the word „bully“ come from? What’s its story?
“Bully” was first used in the 1530s. It’s definition back than was “sweetheart” for both genders. After years and years the meaning of the word got changed, from “fine fellow” to “harasser of the weak”. In the past from the American culture, it has been an important word to everyone. There have been too many people out there in the United States who are getting bullied day after day. That’s why I can say without doubt that the definition and the word itself has become a big part of everyone’s life not only in America but also in England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Nevertheless bullying is a big issue in every school in America.

Danke für eure Kontrollen im vorraus :)
Frage von Nabsi_Babsi | am 16.06.2016 - 08:47

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 16.06.2016 - 17:51
Bullying In American Schools

Where does the word „bully“ come from?
“Bully” was first used in the 1530s. It’s definition back than was “sweetheart” for both genders. After years and years the meaning of the word got changed,
from “fine fellow” to “harasser of the wee”. In the past from the American culture, it has been an important word to everyone.
In the United States there have been too many people, who were getting bullied day after day. (was möchtest Du mit diesem Satz sagen?)
That’s why I can undoubtedly say, that the definition and the word itself has become a big part of everyone’s life, not only in America but also in England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Nevertheless bullying is a big issue in every school in America.
What’s “Bullying” exactly? / What does “Bullying” exactly mean?
There is no fixed definition for “bullying”, although everyone uses it describing a person, who is repeatedly aggressive towards others. The aim of messing other persons around is to hurt them emotionally, mentally, individually or physically. These acts are “made” with words or other physically ways. They (the acts!) are repeated and don’t stop after a few days. Some people do it for gaining power, to control others or out of jealousy.

There are several types of “bullying”:

Individual bullying is performes by a single person who has one goal or many to treat them badly.
A Person, who in the majority of cases is larger than the victim, hurts another person physically by hitting, kicking,spitting, pushing or stealing or breaking someone things.
  • Verbal
    This is the type of bullying where someone hurts you by calling you names, circulating/spreading rumors, threatening another person and/or making fun of them. This type of bullying is the most common one and it’s even more powerful than others.
  • Relational or emotional bullying
    You can find emotional bullying in relationships whereby, one partner tries to bring about distress to the other partner.
  • Cyber-Bullying
    This is any bullying that happens over any technological device. It includes email, social networking sites (like Facebook), text messages, and cell phones. When a person bullies someone over the social network.
A group of friends or just a bunch of pupils tell other kids not to be friends with someone. Collective bullying may also involve refusing to talk to the person and even spreading rumors with the intention of hurting a person’s feelings o r to destroy its reputation.

Hier geht es aber wohl noch weiter, oder? ZB. How do the schools try to prevent bullying?

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