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Grammatik und Satzbau korrigieren, bitte

Frage: Grammatik und Satzbau korrigieren, bitte
(5 Antworten)

Hallo ich und meine Partnerin müssen ein Rollenspiel machen. Indem eine Firma sich viele verschiedene Tennisstars anschaut um ein berühmten Schuh zu entwickeln und durch diesen Star erfolgreich Marketing zu machen.

Bitte könnt ihr Grammatik und Satzbau verbessern.
Vielen Dank

A:Good morning Mrs.Miss I`m Lisa Thompson. Pleased to meet you personally. We have only had the pleasure of phoning so far, haven`t we ?

B: The pleasure is mine!

A:Please have a seat Welcome to " Sports and Fashion Footwear"
May i offer you something to drink ?

B:Thank you a coffee would be great

A: How was your flight from Stockholm to Berlin ?

B: Thank you my flight was very Compfortable !

A:Is this your first visit to Germany ?

B: Yes and i already book a guided tour

A: That`s nice Enjoy it. How long are you going to stay ?

B: Just until tomorrow evening

A :What a pitty! Why do you stay so shortly in Berlin ?

B :I have a lot to do in Stockholm.Maybe next time

A :Since you are a bit tight with time, let`s come to the point: Here is our new tennis shoe which Mrs Wahlström coul promote but firstly please tell me something about the image of Mrs Wahlström.

B :Sure Mrs Wahlström ist the John Menroe of womens tennis. On the one hand she is very gifted. She won her first championship in Sweden but on the other hand is she just a teenager with a fiery temper off the court.

A :Well okay our target group are young females in the age between 16 and 25.
Our endorsers should act more like a role model for our potential buyers you said just now Mrs Wahlström has a fiery temper on and off court. Our company has until now a very good image. But I`m not sure that the John Menrue image fits to our company. We are looking for something like an Anastasia Kournikova image.

B :She has a great marketing potenial and coul be the first female swedish star.

A :Yes maybe but to be honest i`m not sure that Mrs Wahlström could get into the top international womens players in tennis. We hear that she had numerous of boyfriends. ( Ich stelle in Frage ob Sie nicht unser Image gefährden könnte)
I`m questioniering that Mrs. Wahlström could destroy our comapany image. Let`s say just hypothcially, that we sign a pact. you writing me at the email that you want a deal worth 1 million dollar for Mrs Wahlstrom.Our company would only sign 1/2 million dollar because of her bad image.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 08.12.2015 - 20:37

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Aipilosophus (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.12.2015 - 21:51
ich hab mal ein bisschen was korrigiert bzw umgeschrieben. also all das, was mir so aufgefallen ist. ein englisch crack bin ich allerdings nicht

A:Good morning Mrs.Miss I`m Lisa Thompson. It`s a pleasure to meet you in person/ face-to-face. (Pleased to meet you personally.) We have only had the pleasure of phoning so far, haven`t we ?

B: The pleasure is mine!das sagt man anders, ich komme nur gerade nicht auf die richtige Formulierung

A:Please take a seat. Welcome to " Sports and Fashion Footwear"
May i offer you something to drink ?

B:Thank you, a coffee would be great

A: How was your flight from Stockholm to Berlin ?

B: Thank you. My flight was very comfortable !

A: Have you ever been here in Germany before or is this your first time ?

B: Yes it is my first time and i already have booked a guided tour

A: That`s nice Enjoy it. How long are you going to stay ?

B: Just until tomorrow evening

A :What a pitty! Why do you stay here in Berlin so shortly ?

B :I have a lot of work to do in Stockholm.Maybe next time

Beiträge 22
Antwort von Sonne10 | 09.12.2015 - 10:34
Danke :)

Beiträge 40248
Antwort von matata | 09.12.2015 - 10:58
ANONYM schrieb auch:

Since you are a bit tight with time, let`s come to the point: Here is our new tennis shoe which Mrs Wahlström coul promote but firstly please tell me something about the image of Mrs Wahlström.

Well okay our target group are young females in the age between 16 and 25.
Our endorsers should act more like a role model for our potential buyers you said just now Mrs Wahlström has a fiery temper on and off court. Our company has until now a very good image. But I`m not sure that the John Menrue image fits to our company. We are looking for something like an Anastasia Kournikova image.

Yes maybe but to be honest i`m not sure that Mrs Wahlström could get into the top international womens players in tennis. We hear that she had numerous of boyfriends. ( Ich stelle in Frage ob Sie nicht unser Image gefährden könnte)
I`m questioniering that Mrs. Wahlström could destroy our comapany image. Let`s say just hypothcially, that we sign a pact. you writing me at the email that you want a deal worth 1 million dollar for Mrs Wahlstrom.Our company would only sign 1/2 million dollar because of her bad image.

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________________________ - Team

Beiträge 22
Antwort von Sonne10 | 09.12.2015 - 18:35
Bitte kann noch jemand den anderen Teil korriegieren, brauche es bis Freitag bitte

Beiträge 22
Antwort von Sonne10 | 10.12.2015 - 13:06
Hallo Matata könntest du es vlt kontrollieren, ich glaube sonst wird es keiner kontrollieren? Danke

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