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Englisch Referat Korrektur

Frage: Englisch Referat Korrektur
(1 Antwort)

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The 13 year-old Alejandro Zamora calls himself „a Facebook freak“.
A life without the social network seems to be unthinkable for the eighth grader. In most of his spare time he chats with his friends or just hangs around the social media platform. His mother said that she liked the idea of him using the computer but did not have much luck getting him to use it for homework. She herself has no clue about social networks and his online activities. 
This phenomenon is not an exception in an American household. As access to devices has spread in order to enable all Americans to get the latest computing tools, children and teenagers began to spend between 10 and 11.5 hours per day on  watching shows and videos, playing games and connecting on social networking sites. Unfortunately the majority of the American population do not know how to use their technical devices in a constructive way for example for education.That is because there is a lack of digital literacy in America, but what is digital literacy?

Digital literacy is the ability to handle media responsibly and to use it and its contents according to one’s own needs and purposes and to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of digital technologies.MEASURES Researchers and policy makers has recognized that it is not sufficient to just enable everyone the access to computing tools because they are misused mostly for pure entertainment instead of education. To show the proper use of media the Federal Communications Commission wants to teach digital literacy by creating a digital literacy corps which is an informal national movement of student volunteers, the so-called digital literacy trainers. They go to schools and libraries to teach the productive uses of computers and computer skills.

It is essential to learn the basic use of computers from the understanding of how to use web browsers, search engines and Powerpoint to the ability to evaluate online resources for trustworthiness of information, because you need it in many situations like for school or at work. Students have to be able to do research on the Internet for example for presentations where it is important to choose the appropriate media to illustrate ones message. In addition, they should have the ability to distinguish between relevant from unimportant information. Adults should be introduced in contact with media as well for example for job seeking. Furthermore, digital literacy improves employability because it is demanded by many employers when they first evaluate a job application.

Moreover, the Internet can be advantageous to parents, too. In case they are in need of advice they can get some on different web forums. Not only for personal advantages parents have to be taught in digital literacy but also for the protection and education of their children. One of their duty is to show their children how they can benefit from computing tools for education. Digital literacy does not only include computer skills but also appropriate online behavior which should be familiarized with children very soon to prevent trouble at a later date. This includes on the one hand the interaction with other individuals on social networking sites and on the other hand the protection of personal information. For acceptable usage of Internet parents should protect their children from dangerous platforms like online pornography or other disturbing sites by using filters to block them. It’s also important to prevent an excessive usage of the computer for entertainment for example by introducing time regulations. 

Finally one can say that the society of today is based on technical investments. Digital education is essential in the society of the 21 st  century because there is hardly a job where it is not necessary to have at least basic knowledge of media and there are always confrontations in everyday life. To spread digital literacy is not only the chance for a comfortable life it protects young and old people against social isolation and children against the dangers of the internet as well. Everyone should try to manage the reforms and challenges of this new digital era.
Frage von Peanut123456789 | am 01.02.2015 - 23:51

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Antwort von Ratgeber | 02.02.2015 - 15:41
postest Du den Text ein zweites Mal? Antworten hast Du doch hier genügend bekommen...

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