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Frage: Language
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 17
I dont give a damn if you or anyone wants to dis me.
That is what FREE SPEECH is. That is what i think. DONT interfere with my life and i will leave u alone.
Hate speech has led to much controversy in recent discussion. The problem is that if we try to prevent hate speech , we go aganist the basic right which allows us to express our opinios. In this paper, Iwill ask if the ´right´ to freedom of expression can ever be challenged.
It is my right to call someone an ugly bitch online,if that is what I want to do. And if they go and jump off a bridge, is it my fault? I can tell them they are stupid, and I wish they wouldget out of my life,but no one should blame me if they do what I tell them.They kill themselves for other reasons.
Hatespeech: Spoken or written communication which will probally be seen as offensive by minorities or anyone who sees themselves as a victim.
Although there is no significant difference in the percentage of foreign stundents and UK stundentwho say that they have been victimsof ahte speech, 7% of all male foreign students experienced it as against 4% of UK males and 2% of all females-
There is nothing you can do about hate talk. Don´t try to-just try to get used to living with it. There are lots of people who are always talking crap online , soyou ´d better ignore it and forget it.

Nun sollen wir uns den blauen Kasten anschauen und sagen wie der Text oben jeweils A B C D E F also einzelens aufgebaut ist..bzw. sollen den blauen Kasten verwenden

Ich weiss gar nicht wie ich das machen kann einer z.B. für A und B das machen damit ich sehe wieman das genau macht......und dann mache ich es ..dann kontrolliert jemadn meins nochmal
Frage von WissenschaftlerQ1 | am 26.11.2014 - 19:29

Beiträge 17
Antwort von WissenschaftlerQ1 | 26.11.2014 - 19:32
 Hier findet ihr den blauen kastten Danke fuer die hilfe mfg

Beiträge 2581
Antwort von Ratgeber | 26.11.2014 - 22:15
Wenn ich die Aufgabenstellung richtig verstehe, sollst Du die Sätze A bis F den einzelnen Kategorien formal, neutral, informal oder very informal zuordnen.
  • A ist eindeutig informal , da slang ( I dont give a damn if you or anyone wants to dis me. That is what FREE SPEECH is. That is what i think. DONT interfere with my life and i will leave u alone).

  • B ist m.E. formal, da es sich um ein Dokument handelt => ... In this paper...

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