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Gramatik in Summary von The wave

Frage: Gramatik in Summary von The wave
(5 Antworten)

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Hallo miteinander, ich habe hier ein Summary von Morton Rhues `The wave` und wollte fragen, ob ihr auf den ersten Blick ein paar Fehler entdecken könnt? Meine Quelle für den Summary waren das Buch `The wave` und:

 Hier mein Summary: Mr Ross is an history teacher
at the Gordon High school in California who shows his class a film about Hitler and his German youth movement.
His class can not believe that the Germans did not do something against the Nazis and that nobody did recognize the death of ten million people. Mr Ross can not give an answer which satisfy his students and thats why he starts to read books about the Nazis because he is disappointed by the fact he can not give acceptable answers. Mr Ross decides to start an experiment with his history class. In the next history lesson he writes `strenght through discipline` on the board and he tells the students to sit in a proper posture using Robert Billings, a not good student who is bullied by the other kids and stands in the shadow of his older brother, as a model. He already see a difference in the behavior of the kids, they start beeing and acting more like an unity.
Laurie Saunders and Amy Smith are best friends, both are in Mr Ross class and very good students. Laurie is the first one in Mr Ross lesson who answers to a question in an improper form, because of a new rule which says that a student must stand up and begin the sentence with `Mr Ross...` when he wants to say something. After this history lesson some of the kids are not taking this very serious but David Collins, a football player whos also Lauries boyfriend and Robert Billings, who thinks he can finally break off his loser ship, do.
The next day when Mr Ross was late, he found his students sitting in proper posture. He is very enthusiastic about the employment of his students. Henceforth the motto of the class is `strenght through discipline, strenght through communitiy`. Now the movement is called The wave and he learns the studens a salute.

After the tuition David tries to convince the football team of The wave because he thinks that The wave will unite them or make them playing more like a team. Laurie also speaks with someone about The wave, namely her parents. Her mother isn`t very thrilled about Mr Ross` project but her husband thinks it`s okay if the students pay more attention to the teacher.
The following lesson Mr Ross is passing out membership cards, whoever has the `X` on the backside is one of the monitors. Mr Ross is adding a new sentence to their motto, now it`s `strenght through discipline, strenght trough community, strenght trough action`. The ensuing days, Mr Ross class gets larger and some of the other teachers talkes with him about The wave.
This day Laurie goes home and she discourse with her mother about the change Robert Billings is trough. Her mother tells her not to be influenced by The wave.
One day the principal of the Gordon Highschool Mr Owens wants to discuss with Mr Ross about The wave. He do not wants the movement to go too far because objectively the students are too young and impressionable.
Later Laurie and David clash, Laurie believes that The wave has an affect on the individuality of the individual while David thinks it helps the school unify.
He says Laurie don`t like The wave because as a unite she can`t be on top anymore. She calls him stupid and David breaks up with her.
Laurie is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper calles `The Grapevine`. She, Alex Cooper and Brian Block decide to write an special article about The wave. At home she speaks with her mother about fight after school where a jew said something bad about The wave and then he was beaten up.
Meanwhile The Grapevine has published the article about The wave and Amy and David can not believe that Laurie really did this. Amy thinks that is all because of her fight with David.
Robert wants to stop her but David says to take care of her. So he catch out for her when she leaves the school to talk with her and tell her to stop working against something so good like The wave. Out of his selfcontroll he throws Laurie to the ground but then he realised what he did and that The wave is going too far. Both decide to visit Mr Ross to talks to him. Mr Ross has a plan to end The wave and the next day he is telling the plan to principal Owens who is first annoyed but then he accept the plan.

So Mr Ross tells his history class that there will be an assembly after school for only wave members. He says the students going to meet their leader of the National Wave Youth Movement. David and Laurie can not believe what they are hearing and try to stop Mr Ross but he just send them to principal Owens, telling them everything is going to be allright. When the day was over Mr Owens let the students go and they managed somehow to get into the locked meeting place. Mr Ross prepares two televisions that shows a film about Hitler while saying that the members of The wave would be great fascists and Hitler would be their leader. He says he hopes that the students learn from their mistakes and realize what they had done. Most of the students are shocked by themselves but Robert Billings is the one who is really disturbed because he found all in The wave he was searching for; recognition, acceptance and approval. Then Mr Ross starts to talk to him.
Frage von Echelon1 | am 20.06.2014 - 17:17

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.06.2014 - 20:06
 Hier mein Summary: Mr Ross is a history teacher
at[---] Gordon High School in California who shows his class a film about Hitler and his German youth movement.
His class cannot believe that the Germans have not doner  anything against the Nazis and that nobody has recognized the death of ten million people. Mr Ross cannot give an answer which satisfies his students and that`s why he starts to read books about the Nazis because he is disappointed by the fact he cannot give acceptable answers. Mr Ross decides to start an experiment with his history class. In the next history lesson he writes `strenght through discipline` onto   the board and he tells his  students to sit in a proper posture using Robert Billings, [---] not  a good student who has been bullied by the other kids and stands in the shadow of his older brother, as a model. He already sees a difference in the behaviour of the kids, they start being and acting more like a[-] unity.
Laurie Saunders and Amy Smith are best friends, both are in Mr Ross`s class and very good students. Laurie is the first one in Mr Ross`s lesson who answers to a question in an improper way, because of a new rule which says that a student must stand up and begin the sentence with `Mr Ross...` if he wants to say something.

Deinen ellenlangen Text kann ich "in one sitting" nicht korrigieren.

Beiträge 6
Antwort von Echelon1 | 20.06.2014 - 21:52
Auf jedenfall Danke für das korrigierte! :)

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.06.2014 - 09:43
After this history lesson some of the kids are not take (1) this very seriously but David Collins, a football player who also is Laurie`s boyfriend and Robert Billings, who thinks he can finally break out of his losership, do.
The next day [---] Mr Ross is late, he finds his students sitting in proper posture. He is very enthusiastic about the committment (2) of his students. Henceforth the motto of the class is `strength through discipline, strength through communitiy`. Now the movement is called "The Wave" and he teaches (3) the students to salute.

After the tuition David tries to convince the football team of The Wave because he thinks that The Wave will unite them or make them play more like a team. Laurie also speaks with someone about The Wave, namely her parents. Her mother is not (4)very thrilled about Mr Ross` project but her husband thinks it`s okay if the students pay more attention to their teacher.
 1) keine progressive form in der summary
2) "employment" ist die "Einstellung" eines Arbeiters/Angestellten durch den Chef einer Firma
3) den Unterschied zwischen "lehren" und "lernen" dich wohl keiner "gelernt"?
4) die Kurzformen isn`t, can`t, doesn`t etc werden nur bei der Wiedergabe der wörtlichen Rede verwendet.
weiter: 11.00 Uhr

The following lesson Mr Ross passes (s.o.1)out membership cards, whoever has an `X` on the backside is one of the monitors. Mr Ross adds (s.o. 1) a new sentence to their motto, now it`s `strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action`. The ensuing days, Mr Ross class gets larger and some of the other teachers talk with him about The Wave.
This day Laurie goes home and she discourses with her mother about the change Robert Billings has gone through. Her mother tells her not to be influenced by The Wave.
One day the principal of the Gordon Highschool Mr Owens wants to discuss with Mr Ross about The Wave. He does not want the movement to go too far because objectively the students are too young and impressionable.
Later Laurie and David quarrel, Laurie believes that The Wave has an affect on the individuality of the individual while David thinks it helps the school unify.
He says Laurie doesnot like The Wave because as a unite she cannot (s.o.4) be on top anymore. She calls him stupid and David breaks up with her.
Laurie is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper called `The Grapevine`. She, Alex Cooper and Brian Block decide to write a special article about The Wave. At home she speaks with her mother about fight after school when a Jew was beaten up after he has said something bad about The Wave

Meanwhile The Grapevine has published the article about The Wave and Amy and David cannot believe that Laurie really has done (2) this. Amy thinks that is all because of her fight with David.

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.06.2014 - 12:23
Robert wants to stop her but David says he wants totake care of her. So he catches[---] her when she leaves [---] school to talk with her and tell her to stop working against something as good as The Wave. Losing his selfcontrol he throws Laurie to the ground but then he realises what he has done and that The Wave has gone  too far. Both decide to visit Mr Ross to talk to him. Mr Ross has a plan to end The Wave and the next day he tells   principal Owens his plan. The principal  is at first annoyed but then he accepts the plan.

So Mr Ross tells his history class that there will be an assembly after school for only Wave members. He says the students are going to meet their leader of the National Wave Youth Movement. David and Laurie cannot believe what they  hear and try to stop Mr Ross but he just sends them to principal Owens, telling them everything is going to be allright. When the day is over Mr Owens lets the students go and they somehow manage to get into the cohesive meeting place. Mr Ross has prepared two television features that show a film about Hitler who says  that the members of The Wave will be great fascists and Hitler will be their leader. He says he hopes that the students have learnt from their mistakes and realize what they have done. Most of the students are shocked about themselves but Robert Billings is the only one who is really disturbed because he has found everything in The Wave he has looked  for recognition, acceptance and approval. Then Mr Ross starts to talk to him.

Beiträge 6
Antwort von Echelon1 | 21.06.2014 - 14:08
vielen Dank nochmal und ja das mit dem lernen und lehren war bisschen peinlich! :D

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