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Mix Salated - Grammar - Put in the right form

Frage: Mix Salated - Grammar - Put in the right form
(6 Antworten)

Beiträge 376
Bitte um Korrektur.

Ausgangsform in den runden Klammern; in den eckigen Klammern mein Lösungsvorschlag.

For thousands of years man [asked] (ask) the question "What is time?".
2. Babylonian astronomers [know] (know) the number of years, but their priests [insist] (insist) on 360 days - a magic number.
3. The moon`s cyle [lost] (last) approximately 29 1/2 days, and the earth`s 365 1/4 days.
4. In 200 million years a day [will last] (last) 25 hours.
5. In the eleventh century a Chinese, Su Song, [made] (make) one of the first mechanical clocks - a water clock.
6. In the sixteenth century Galileo [was sitting] (sit) in a church when he [noticed] (notice) a lantern swinging and [discovered] (discover) the pendulum.
7. Since the 1940s, scientists [have knewn] (know) that the electrons of atoms oscillate as regularly as a pendulum.
8. For some years scientists [measured] (measure) time most accurately with atomic blocks.
9. - Hello! BTL Radio Station calling. Can you give me the time, please?
- Just a moment. I [have checked] (check) the atomic clock.
10. Because of Einstein`s theory of relativity we can predict that rapidly moving clock [tick] (tick) more slowly.
11. Three scientists in California [going to start] (start) a project to research time travel early next year.
12. Many science fiction fans believe that in a hundred years time, people [will use] (use) time machines to travel back and forth in time.
13. However, most scientists agree that this probably [will not be] (not be) possible.
14. It is likely that most of people you know [are wearing] watches at this moment.
15. Men [was not start] (not start) to wear wrist watches until World War |.
16. The soldiers [found] (find) it difficult then to reach inside their uniform coats to check the time on a pocket watch.
17. Last Thursday I [wanted] (want) to give my mother a watch for her birth-day, but I [forgot] (forget) to take my credit card with me when I was shopping on Wednesday.
18. Tomorrow, at 10 a.m, our tour bus [left] (leave) for a guided tour of the biggest Seiko watch factory Japan.
19. Even as you read this, 1,150 robots will assemble (assemble) watches there.
20. Every two sconds a new watch come (come) off the assembly line.
Frage von Money_King | am 20.01.2014 - 21:28

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.01.2014 - 06:53
1. For thousands of years man [have asked] (ask) the question "What is time?".
2. Babylonian astronomers [knew] (know) the number of years,
but their priests [insisted] (insist) on 360 days - a magic number.
3. The moon`s cyle [lasts] (last) approximately 29 1/2 days, and the earth`s 365 1/4 days.
4. In 200 million years a day [will last] (last) 25 hours.
5. In the eleventh century a Chinese, Su Song, [made] (make) one of the first mechanical clocks - a water clock.
6. In the sixteenth century Galileo [was sitting] (sit) in a church when he [noticed] (notice) a lantern swinging and [discovered] (discover) the pendulum.
7. Since the 1940s, scientists [have known] (know) that the electrons of atoms oscillate as regularly as a pendulum.
8. For some years scientists [have measured] (measure) time most accurately with atomic blocks.
9. - Hello! BTL Radio Station calling. Can you give me the time, please?
- Just a moment. I [have to check] (check) the atomic clock.
10. Because of Einstein`s theory of relativity we can predict that rapidly moving clock [will tick] (tick) more slowly.
11. Three scientists in California [are going to start] (start) a project to research time travel early next year.
12. Many science fiction fans believe that in a hundred years time, people [will use] (use) time machines to travel back and forth in time.

13. However, most scientists agree that this [will probably not be] (not be) possible.
14. It is likely that most of people you know [are wearing] watches at this moment.
15. Men [did not start] (not start) to wear wrist watches until World War |.
16. The soldiers [found] (find) it difficult then to reach inside their uniform coats to check the time on a pocket watch.
17. Last Thursday I [wanted] (want) to give my mother a watch for her birth-day, but I [had forgotten] (forget) to take my credit card with me when I was shopping on Wednesday.
18. Tomorrow, at 10 a.m, our tour bus [will leave] (leave) for a guided tour of the biggest Seiko watch factory Japan.
19. Even as you read this, 1,150 robots [are assembling] (assemble) watches there.
20. Every two seconds a new watch [comes] (come) off the assembly line.

Beiträge 376
Antwort von Money_King | 21.01.2014 - 16:04
Danke für die Korrektur.

Ich habe da noch Fragen zu der Korrektur.

zu 1: kommt da nicht "has asked" hin aufgrund dem man im Singular?
zu 9: Nimmt man hier nicht eher das Simple Present?

Ebenso würde ich mich über Kritik freuen, um bei der nächsten Aufgabe die Fehlerrate zu reduzieren bzw. worauf ich bei den Sätzen mehr achten sollte, um die richtige Zeitform zu erkennen.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.01.2014 - 18:27
zu 1: kommt da nicht "has asked" hin aufgrund dem man im Singular?
zu 9: Nimmt man hier nicht eher das Simple Present?

zu 1) you are right, my mistake!
Zu 9) mit "I have to check" habe ich eine alternative Lösung benannt; du kannst auch sagen: "I am checking" - wenn du sagst: Moment mal (just a moment), ich bin gerade dabei, die Uhr zu "checken"".

In Satz 18 ist mir ein Fehler unterlaufen: richtig hier ist simple present "leaves"; das will-future wird nur für allgemeine zukünftige Aussagen verwendet.
Man verwendet aber das simple present in der Zukunft, wenn man Aussagen über feststehende Termine mit Zeitangaben/ Abfahrten, Ankünfte macht.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 21.01.2014 - 19:31
.. oder du hast dich bei 1) verschrieben und da steht men, dann wäre have asked wiederum richtig

Beiträge 21
Antwort von seestern11 | 23.01.2014 - 16:28
super!Du hast alles richtig gemacht.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.01.2014 - 20:40
Du hast alles richtig gemacht.

WER hat alles richtig gemacht? Doch wohl nicht Money King!

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