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Letter of complaint (Bitte überprüfen)

Frage: Letter of complaint (Bitte überprüfen)
(3 Antworten)

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hier vor euch findet ihr eine hausaufgaben von mir.
könnt ihr bitte gucken ob die grammatik richtig ist? das einzige was ich nicht berücksichtigt habe ist die groß- und kleinschreibung. ich übe erst seit diesen halbjahr so welche texte zu schreiben, also kann der noch nicht so gut sein.

vielen dank im vorraus.

Company GmbH
stadt stadt
54164 Schwerin

Evanus & graschuss Ltd
76 vallentin Road
south Fireland

dear sir and madame,

We regret to inform you that the consignment have not turn up to our satisfaction.
on examining our order, we found that the consignment is not up to the standards we require.

the fixings of the electric switches was strenthened by pure plastic straps, but we require straps of steel, because of they are indispensable for us.

we have no time to waste, because of that we will mount the steel straps at your expense.

we will be pleased if you could send the missing straps so far as possible by air freight.

we are very ansatisfactory with your delevered goodd.

are you sure that you carried out our qualitiy measures?

The keeping of the specificatio is quite important for us.

we are sure that this was a single incident.

your sincerely.
Frage von Green (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.09.2013 - 16:25

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 03.09.2013 - 16:48

dear sir or madame,

We regret to inform you that the consignment has not given us full satisfaction.
When examining our order,
we found that the consignment is not up to the standards we require.

the fixings of the electric switches were strengthened by pure plastic straps, but we require straps of steel, because xxxx they are indispensable for us.

we do not have the time to wait for new material, so we will mount the steel straps at your expense.

we would be pleased if you could send the missing straps - if possible by air freight.

we are very unsatisfied with your delevered good.

are you sure that you carried out our qualitiy measures?

The keeping of the specification is quite important for us.

we are sure that this was a single incident.

yours sincerely.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 03.09.2013 - 17:01
Korrektur der Korrektur von LsD
we are very unsatisfied with your delevered good.
- we are very unsatisfied with your delevired good.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.09.2013 - 20:34
hier vor euch findet ihr eine hausaufgaben von mir. könnt ihr bitte gucken ob die grammatik richtig ist? das einzige was ich nicht berücksichtigt habe ist die groß- und kleinschreibung. ich übe erst seit diesen halbjahr so welche texte zu schreiben, also kann der noch nicht so gut sein.

vielen dank im vorraus.

Company GmbH
stadt stadt
54164 Schwerin

Evanus & graschuss Ltd
76 vallentin Road
south Fireland

In diesem Text wimmelt es nur so von Rechtschreibfehlern.
Die hier dann häufig gelesene schizophrene Argumentation "...ja, aber in den Hausaufgaben und in den Klausuren achte sehr wohl auf die richtige Schreibung" ist einfach nur hirnrissig, denn, wenn man tatsächlich richtig schreiben kann, dann wendet man das immer an.

Ich bearbeite hier mal LsDs Korrektur:

Dear Sir or Madam,

We regret to inform you that the consignment of ... (hier fehlt der Produktname) has not given us full satisfaction.
When examining our order, we found that your consignment has not met our required/set standards,

The fixings of the electric switches were strengthened by pure plastic straps, but we have required/orderedstraps of steel, which are indispensable/indisputable for us.

We do not have the time to wait for new material, so we will mount the steel straps at your expense.

We request your sending [wenn die Gegenseite den Fehler gemacht hast, kannst du schärfer formulieren] the missing straps without any delay - if possible by air freight.

We are very dissatisfied with your delivered good.

Are you sure that you have produced according to our qualitiy measures?

The keeping of the specification is quite important for us.

We are sure that this has beena single incident, otherwise we`ll have to cancel our cooperation. [hier könntest du schon mal schärfer formulieren!]

Yours faithfully,

Es gibt - nebenbei - im i-Netz jede Menge von "Musterbriefen":

Letters of complaint - Oxford Dictionaries Online

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