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Report - Business-Media-Project

Frage: Report - Business-Media-Project
(3 Antworten)

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Hey Leute,

wir hatten in Englisch die Aufgabe einen Report oder Artikel über ein Projekt zu schreiben welches wir jetzt durchgeführt haben.
Wäre schön wenn sich ein paar von euch das mal durchlesen würden und mir sagen was ich besser machen könnte.


The purpose of this report is to show other people what we were doing in our English class while we had the “Business-Media-Project”.
The project started on the 13th April 2013 with the writing of a CV and later on the writing of a job application. After this we prepare and execute a job interview. Together with a partner we think for questions and answers about different themes like education, skills, qualities and experiences just as we talk about what one should wear or what we expect. After we end with this part almost all of us were surprised about the next task.
We should do a business simulation. In other words we should think of a company and a product that we want to offer all students of our course and have to present it. All in all there were nine groups of two to three students. The themes of the company varied from the technical themes like cars, auto cycles or special fish lamps about food like cupcakes, fruits or Energy Drinks to self made jewellery. Now we should think about our company, what includes name, address, logo, history and production overview and our new product with name, images, variety, price, production, function and a market research to improve it. Till the 30th May all students have to prepare a presentation and all of us choose the visualisation by the “Microsoft office PowerPoint”.
Although we all had some doubts at the beginning of the project we get very good results and all of us were lucky about the presentations.
Frage von missjulchen (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.06.2013 - 16:43

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 05.06.2013 - 23:30
Meine Korrekturvorschläge (fett markiert):
The purpose of this report is to show other people what we were doing in our English class while we had the “Business-Media-Project”.
The project started on the 13th of April,
with writing/formulating a CV and later with writing of a job application.
Afterwards we prepared and executed a job interview. Together with a partner we thought about questions and answers concerning different themes like education, skills, qualities and experiences just as we talked about what one should wear or what we expected.
After we had finished this part almost all of us were surprised about the next task.
We had do a business simulation. In other words we were expected to think abouta company and a product that we wanted to offer all students of our course by a presentation. All in all there were nine groups of two to three students. The themes of the company varied from the technical oneslike cars, auto cycles or special fish lamps about food like cupcakes, fruits or energy drinks to self made jewellery.
Now we had to think about our company, including name, address, logo, history and production overview as well as about our new product with name, images, variety, price, production, function and a market research to improve it.
Till the 30th May all students had to prepare a presentation and all of us chose the visualisation by the “Microsoft office PowerPoint”.
Even though we all had some doubts at the beginning of the project we got very good results and all of us were happy about the presentations.

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 05.06.2013 - 23:35
The purpose of this report is to inform other people what we were doing in our English class during our “Business-Media-Project”.
The project started on the 13th of April 2013 with the writing of a CV and continued with the writing of a job application. After this we prepared and performed a job interview. Together with a partner we thought about questions and answers about different topics like education, skills, qualities and experiences. Later we talked about what one should wear or what we expect. After we ended this part almost all of us were surprised about the next task.
We should do a business simulation. In other words we should imagine a company and a product that we want to offer all students of our course and had to present it. All in all there were nine groups of two to three students. The products of the companies varied from the technical products like cars, auto cycles or special fish lamps about food like cupcakes, fruits or Energy Drinks to self made jewellery. Now we should think about our company, including name, address, logo, history and production overview and our new product with name, images, variety, price, production, function and a market research to improve it. Till the 30th May all students had to prepare a presentation and all of us did choose the visualisation using “Microsoft office PowerPoint”.
Although we all had some doubts at the beginning of the project we got very good results and all of us were proud of our presentations.

--> schöner Text, aber achte bitte auf die Vergangenheit (Zeit)
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 05.06.2013 - 23:36
hehe, gleich zwei Leute, die zu so später Stunde noch Lust auf eine Runde Englisch hatten ;-)
________________________ - Team

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