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Referat "Manipulation durch Musik in den Medien"

Frage: Referat "Manipulation durch Musik in den Medien"
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo liebe Gemeinschaft,
könntet ihr bitte mein englisches Referat "Manipulation durch Medien, insbesondere durch Musik" anschauen und ggf.
korrigieren bezüglich Grammatik, Satzbau, besonders auch den den letzte Abschnitt, da bin ich nicht ganz sicher (=Conclusion).

Today I would like to tell you something about manipulation by media,
especially by music.
Let me use a picuture to explain some general facts. Media are important to inform about what is happening throughout the world. Media influence our everyday life more than we believe.
There are different methods, how media is able to manipulate persons. In the following I will illustrate manipulation by music and I will show you some examples.
At first „manipulation“ sounds very bad. But it does not have to be terrifying.

On the one hand media are information carrier like, television, radio,
Internet, CD´s pictures, books, newspapers.
but media are also information brokerage like music or language for example.

You will maybe know tv shows or films in which music plays an important role. An Example is the film „the experiment“. In that film 20 persons are doing an experiment. 12 men are acting prisoners and 8 men are acting prison guards. The prisoners are called numbers like one, two, three and so on. But the prison guards are not allowed to be violent and that‘s why they dehumanize the prisoners.
The music in the film is very crucial to create a prescience at the audience. In the opening credits you will hear techno music but it is still relaxing.
When pop music There is often played no music in the prison. It might make you frighten. The silence and the sounds in the background creates a tension and makes that the audience feel the same emotions as the actors.
I searched examples in which news are manipulated by music.
But in most cases news are reliable or respectable.

The second example deals with manipulation by radio.
The Bundestag engage German broadcasting stations that their music programmes consists of at least 35 per cent German pop songs and rock songs.
On the radio the newest songs are played to show the right way in that Music scene.
Playing songs from the past decade is cheap entertainment for the broadcasting stations.

That advertising spot should apparently take 25 seconds.
But broadcasted were only 21 seconds.
That`s why the sound seems to be too fast and too high-pitched.
In this way costs should be reduced.

Nimm 2:
That advertising jngle is composed rhyme form.
In advertising spots it is often touted that parents do not have to be worried because the sweets contain vitamins. The healthy image of vitamin c is utilized to persuade parents that these sweets are healthy.
But “Nimm 2” contains much sugar as you can read on the ingredient list.
Instead of that you will tout with positive features of sweets.

Conclusion: By the use of specific music and sound effects the mood
of a scene can completely be changed. Thus the area "Music" offers one
incredibly big variety in possibilities. Music also speaks, for example
always a certain group from people and is able to do all feelings of grief to
Joy provide. Consequently music in the media can have positive and negative effects.
Frage von firei | am 23.05.2013 - 23:30

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 24.05.2013 - 19:25
Today I would like to tell you something about manipulation by media,
especially by music.
Let me use a picture to explain some general facts. Media are important to inform about what is happening throughout the world. Media influence our everyday life more than we believe.
There are different methods,
on how media can manipulate people. In the following I will illustrate manipulation by music and show some examples.
At first glance„manipulation“ sounds very bad, but it does not have to be terrifying oder "scary".

On the one hand media are information carrier such as television, radio, Internet, CD`s, pictures, books, newspapers, but media are also information brokerage such as music or language for example.

You might know tv shows or films/movies in which music plays an important role. An example is the film „The Experiment“. In this film 20 persons take part in an experiment. 12 of them are acting as prisoners and 8 as prison guards. The prisoners are called by numbers like one, two, three and so on. But the prison guards may not be violent, so they dehumanize the prisoners.
The soundtrack is very vital to create a foresight in the audience. In the introduction you can hear techno music, but it is still relaxing.
When pop music There is often played no music in the prison. =>? It might frighten you. The silence and the noises in the background generate a tension and let feel the audience just as the actors. => wobei
silence and the noises in the background
ja ein Widersrpuch sind

I have looked for examples in which news are manipulated by the music. But in most cases news are reliable or decent.

The second example deals with manipulation by radio.
The German Bundestag calls on broadcasters to play more local music, consisting of at least 35 percent of German pop and rock songs.
On the radio the newest songs are played to show the right way in that Music scene.
Playing songs from the past decade is cheap entertainment for the broadcasting stations.

Wie Du jetzt von der Radiowerbung auf Fernsehwerbung rüberspringst kann ich nicht so recht nachvollziehen, den das hat meines Erachtens nicht viel mit Manipulation zu zun. Meinst Du, wir kaufen mehr Pril oder NIMM 2, weil die Werbung kürzer ist? Aber nichtsdestotrotz habe ich korrigiert….

That advertising spot should apparently take 25 seconds, but there are broadcasted only 21 seconds.
That`s why the sound seems to be too fast and too high-pitched.
In this way costs should be reduced.

Nimm 2:
This advertising jingle consists of a rhyme.

In commercials it is often suggested that parents mustn`t be procured, because the sweets contain vitamins. The healthy image of vitamin C should persuade the parents that these sweets are healthy. But "Nimm 2" includes lots of sugar as one can read on the ingredient list and though the advertise wants to make the positive qualities of sweets tasty to us.

Conclusion: Music offers an incredibly big variety in possibilities by the use of special music and sound effects to change the mood of a scene completely. Music also appeals always to a certain group of people and can show all feelings - from grief up to joy. Consequently music can have positive and negative effects in the media.

Beiträge 48
Antwort von firei | 24.05.2013 - 21:11
Dankeschön für deine Antwort.
Ich habe gemeint, dass es Zuschauer manipulieren kann, wenn ein Werbespot, der eigentlich für 25 Sekunden gedreht wurde, in 20 Sekunden abgespielt wird.
Der Ton (also die Stimmen der Schauspieler in der Werbung und die Musik dazu) wirkt dann zu schnell und zu hoch: Und das vor allem deswegen, um Kosten einzusparen.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 24.05.2013 - 22:14
Mal davon abgesehen, dass beim Originalwerbespot ja nicht die Zeitleiste zu sehen ist, der Zuschauer also gar nicht sieht, dass er eigentlich um x Sekunden Werbedauer betrogen wird - meinst du wirklich, dass man sich durch x entgangene Sekunden manipulieren lässt, wenn man gar nicht merkt, dass was fehlt. Da fehlt mir die Logik zu ... und unter Umständen einigen Deiner Zuhörer auch.
Darf ich mal fragen, in welcher Schule und Stufe du bist und bis wann Du Deinen Vortrag fertig haben musst?

Beiträge 48
Antwort von firei | 24.05.2013 - 22:59
Groß ist die Manipulation nicht, aber ich wollte zeigen, wie Zuschauer durch Werbespots manipuliert werden können(!). Nicht dass jeder zwangsläufig manipuliert wird, der den Werbespot sieht. Aber das Potenzial ist da, dass der Zuschauer - auch wenn nur leicht - manipuliert wird, auch wenn er es gar nicht merkt. Habe kein besseres Beispiel gefunden. Hättest du ein besseres?
Dieser Spot schien mir geeignet, weil ich es ein gutes Beispiel für "Kürzung, Zusammenschneiden" ist.
Die Schule heißt "BOS" und ich habe noch ein paar Wochen Zeit.

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