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englisch freien text schreiben mindestens 100 wörter

Frage: englisch freien text schreiben mindestens 100 wörter
(4 Antworten)

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In this text I tell you if I could imagine working for a multinational Company.
Yes of course, because you get the Chance to make a successful career and you can go higher.
An other reason why I would working for a multinational Company is that I never lose my Job, because it is a Job that never can die. 27
We can also add on the plus side that if you work in a the Company you earn much Money. 20

Meine Aufgabe war es Pro Argumente zu schreiben die für eine Arbeit in einem multinational Company zustimmen.

Bitte korrigiert meine Fehler -- und ergänzt es, wenn ihr noch weitere Ideen habt.

Liebe Grüße

Frage von chriisii (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.05.2013 - 17:23

Beiträge 249
Antwort von Fehlerfinder007 | 13.05.2013 - 18:07
Of courese I could imagine to work for a multinational company because you get the chance to climb the social ladder and one can work his way up.
Another reason why I would work for a multinational Company is that I could not lose my Job because it is a Job that won`t "die out". We can aswell add on the plus side that you can earn a lot of money in such a company.

Also a plus of working in a multinational company is that you might be able to travel to different countries and get to know other people.

LG Ff007

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Antwort von chriisii (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2013 - 18:13

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2013 - 18:19
Ich gehe mal von Fehlerfinder007s Korrekturversuch aus:

Of course I could imagine working for a multinational company because there I`ll get the chance of climbing the social ladder and I can work my way up. Another reason why I would work for a multinational company is that I - as long as I didn`t make any aggravating mistakes- could not lose my job because it will be a job that won`t be internally deleted. I could add on the plus side
as well that I couldearn a lot of money in such a company.

Also a plus of working in a multinational company is that I might be able to travel to and work in different countries and get to know other people.

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Antwort von chriisii (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.05.2013 - 18:25
Vielen Dank !

Sind die Argumente denn gut?

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