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Frage: Text korrigieren, richtig wichtig!
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo. Ich musste schonmal einen Text zum Politischen System in Amerika schreiben, habe darauf nur 6Notenpunkte bekommen, weil es zu wenig Inhalt war und die Sprache auch nicht so gut.

Könnt ihr mir sagen ob der Text so richtig ist und inhaltlich okay/genug?
Danke schonmal

The American Political System
The political system of the United States includes the state institutions, the political decision-making processes and outcomes as the sum of the laws and regulations in the United States. The political system refers to the constitution of 1787.
There are three different branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary.
The legislative is the Congress, which are the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Members are directly elected by the people.
The Senate has 100 members, every state has two governors. They are elected every six years. Members had to be at least 30 years old. Their task is to represent the interests of their states. The leader of the Senate is the Vice President.
The second part of the Congress, the House of Representatives, has 435 members, who are elected directly every 2years by the people. They had to be at least 25years old and they represent the public opinion. Every state has at least one member in the House of Representatives. The Majority Leader is at the same time the speaker of the House.
House of Representatives and the Senate have the same, equal rights in the legislation. If the majority of the House of Representatives agree to a law, the Congress cannot say anything against it, and the other way around. At the end the President of the USA has the right to veto.
The executive branch is the president and the secretaries, who were appointed by president, and departments directly under the president.
The president has to be at least 35 years old and have live in America for 14 years. He gets elected by the electors, every 4 years, but he can get elected one more time. The president is the central power, he is the head of the state and the head of government. Congress has just one right to dismiss the president, a impeachment proceedings, if he commits a high crime or misdemeanour.
The last branch, the judiciary, is the U.S. Supreme Court. There are 9 judges who are suggested by the president and confirmed by the Senate, they are appointed for lifetime.
In this system, there are many different parties, for example Democratic Party, Republican Party, Green Party, Libertarian Party, Reform Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party, National Socialist White Party, and many more.
Frage von luiisaaa (ehem. Mitglied) | am 11.11.2012 - 12:42

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Antwort von Physikmeister (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.11.2012 - 18:29

Dort kannst du auch eher judicative schreiben,
aber auch so völlig in Ordnung.

Members had to be at least 30 years old.

Dort muss "had" zu "have" sonst ergibt es keinen Sinn :)

They had to be at least 25years old and they represent the public opinion.

In diesem Satz dasselbe.

The Majority Leader is at the same time the speaker of the House.

Hier kannst du für "at the same time" einfach "also" einsetzen, klingt vielleicht besser.

The executive branch is the president and the secretaries

"Is" muss zu "are" --> Mehrzahl.

The executive branch is the president and the secretaries, who were appointed by president, and departments directly under the president.

Diesen Satz verstehe ich im Allgemeinen nicht. Wie kann denn der Präsident den Präsident festlegen? Doppeltgemoppelt :D Musst du, denke ich, nochmal bearbeiten. Und "were" muss zu "are" --> Präsens.

The president has to be at least 35 years old and have live in America for 14 years.

"Have" muss zu "has to be living".

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