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Frage: Nochmal english referat berichtigen ^^
(3 Antworten)

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Hallo könntet ihr noch einmal schauen ob euch was auffällt, auch gerne wegen formulierung. Danke ! =)

Today i want present you something about Bushido.

Bushido, also known as "Sonny Black", is a Rapper from Berlin, his real name is " Anis Mohamed Youssef Ferchichi ". The stage name "Bushido" is taken from Japanese and means "the way of the warrior". He was born on the 28Th of September in 1978 in Bonn. He founded a record label named "ersguterjunge". He worked as employer in the real estate industry.

Now some information about his Childhood
Bushido grew up as the son of his single german mother in Berlin-Tempelhof. His parents separated early, so he had no contact to his Tunisian father. After the elementary-school he visited two different High schools in Berlin, which he left after the 11Th class.because of illegal drugs trade and damage to proberty he had to go to lawcourt.
there he had the decision between prision or an education as painter.
So he did his education and got to know Fler there.
Because of spraying graffitis he found his way to the HipHop scene.

now i will tell you something about his career

Together with Fler and King Orgasmus One he founded the Group "030 Squad".
They record a demo-tape and sold it to his Friends. His first official song was released on the album "Frauenarzt - Tanga,Tanga " in year 2000. A few month later he released his first Album "King of Kingz" and switched to the record label " AGGRO Berlin", where he works together with Sido, B-Tight and Fler. They made a remake of "King of Kingz", which released in 2002. 2003 Bushido and his friend and co-producer Ilan performed Bushidos first Solo-Album "Vom Bordstein bis zur Skyline".
2004 Bushido left AGGRO Berlin to continue his Solo-Carrer.
At the 1st of September in 2006 Bushido published the solo-album "Von der Skyline zum Bordstein zurück". It was produced by Bushido only. After 2 Weeks it arrived gold-status in germany, now it got platin-status.

At the 21th of juli in 2009 they began to produce the Movie "Zeiten ändern Dich".
In september of 2009 they finished their shooting (= dreharbeiten?) in Berlin.
The main charakter of "zeiten ändern dich" is Bushido. It was directed by Uli Edel and produced by Bernd Eichinger.
Frage von Datchy (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.09.2010 - 21:07

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Antwort von Marichenkaefer (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.09.2010 - 21:14
juli - July

i - I (wird immer großgeschrieben)
Childhood - childhood (wird klein geschrieben)
September - september (klein geschrieben)
Group - group (klein geschrieben)
Friends - friends (klein geschrieben)
Carrer - career (klein und 2 e´s )
charakter - character (mit c)

Du solltest noch sagen, wieso DU ihn magst, also my oppinion

Antwort von GAST | 30.09.2010 - 21:37
Schön, Marichenkäfer, dass du besonders die Rechtschreibfehler korrigierst, ist aber vergebliche Liebesmühe, denn, Zit. von Datchy:

aber wie gesagt die rechtschreibfehler sind nebensächlich, die würde ich auch selber finden.

Dass selbst im Wsort "Rechtschreibfehler" ein Rechtschreibfehler ist, hat er aber nicht bemerkt

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Antwort von Datchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.09.2010 - 21:56
Diese Bemerkung hatte nun welchen Sinn ?

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