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Englisch kleines Referat

Frage: Englisch kleines Referat
(3 Antworten)

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Hallo, ich bitte um eine Korrektur meines Englisch-Referates. Anbei: es ist noch etwas zu kurz, hättet ihr Ideen, was ich noch reinbringen könnte?

Barack Obama was spending his final moments as President - and Donald Trump was preparing to take office.
The world watched in anticipation as the billionaire Donald Trump became officially the 45th President of the United States. He was being inaugurated in a grand ceremony in Washington DC.
At first I want to explain to you what the inauguration generally is. The inauguration of the President of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of a president, even if the president continues in office for a second term. Since 1937 (nineteen thirty seven), Inauguration Day takes place on January 20th.
The Presidential Inauguration happened at noon local time (5pm) on 20th January.
The main ceremonies began in the morning at the White House and ended at a number Inaugural Balls across the city of Washington.
The most famous bit was Trump’s 35 (thirty-five) -word swearing-in. Trump’s swearing-in ceremony was attended (wurde besucht) by ex-Presidents, prominent politicians and Trump’s family. The swearing-in is an oath which Donald Trump must take on the steps of the Capital before the chief justice John Roberts. With the hand on the Bible he still said: „So help me God.“ At this moment the term of office begins. In a highly nationalistic inauguration speech, Trump warned American wealth had been „ripped from homes and redistributed across the world“ and that now was the time to put „America first“. He vowed to tackle the problems of drugs and crime, saying „This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.“ And he added: „Most importantly, we will be protected by God.“ The new President completed his inaugural address with the catchphrase that swept him to power – promising to „make America Great again.“
Frage von zitronenflimmern (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.01.2017 - 15:31

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Antwort von zitronenflimmern (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.01.2017 - 15:45
Habe das ganze doch abgeändert, also das hier korrigieren:

Barack Obama was spending his final moments as President - and Donald Trump was preparing to take office.
The world watched in anticipation as the billionaire Donald Trump became officially the 45th President of the United States.
He was being inaugurated in a grand ceremony in Washington DC.
At first I want to explain to you what the inauguration generally is. The inauguration of the President of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of a president, even if the president continues in office for a second term. Since 1937, Inauguration Day takes place on January 20th.
The Presidential Inauguration happened at noon local time (5pm) on 20th January.
The main ceremonies began in the morning at the White House and ended at a number Inaugural Balls across the city of Washington.
The inauguration procedure is at first a morning prayer in the St John’s Episcopal Church. Then the two presidents join forces. The departing and incoming President have a brief meeting at the White House before travelling together for two miles tot he Captiol.
Then the most famous bit started: Trump’s 35-word swearing-in. Trump’s swearing-in ceremony was attended by ex-Presidents, prominent politicians and Trump’s family. The swearing-in is an oath which Donald Trump must take on the steps of the Capital before the chief justice John Roberts. With the hand on the Bible he still said: „So help me God.“ At this moment the term of office begins.
After that Trump warned in a highley nationalistic inauguration speech American wealth had been „ripped from homes and redistributed across the world“ and that now was the time to put „America first“. He vowed to tackle the problems of drugs and crime, saying „This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.“ And he added: „Most importantly, we will be protected by God.“ The new President completed his inaugural address with the catchphrase that swept him to power – promising to „make America Great again.“
After the inaugural adress everyone say Bye Obama. With that the ex-President usually makes a swift and high-profile exit. Since 1977 this has happened by sending him into a helicopter.
The formal bits was over then and gave way to a long afertnoon of feasting and partying with a Inaugural Parade and Inaugural Balls.
But not all people were enthusiastically of Trump`s inauguration. Thousands of people took part in anti-Trump protests in Washington DC and across America.
In the captial, protesters clashed with police, set a limousine on fire and damaged property . More than 200 arrests were made.

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Antwort von Ratgeber | 22.01.2017 - 19:49
Laut Duden ist ein Referat eine ausgearbeitete Abhandlung über ein bestimmtes Thema.
95 % deines "Referates" sind aus dem "Mirror" rauskopiert und ohne Quellenangaben aneinandergesetzt. Das nenne ich nicht Referat, sondern Betrug! Hältst du deine Lehrer für blöd?

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Antwort von zitronenflimmern (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.01.2017 - 19:59
Ich weiß leider gar nicht, wie ich das sonst machen soll. Hätten Sie Verbesserungsvorschläge, wie ich das Ganze anders angehen kann?

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